
Go Bananas!!! You know you want to!

PEEL a banana &  try out some of these tasty treats, you will be glad you did!


Milk Shakes .

1 cup of milk
1 banana, sliced
Blend milk and banana together for a delicious milkshake.
3-4 oz. servings

1/4 cup of grape juice
1 cup of milk
1 banana, sliced
Mix above ingredients in a blender.

1 cup of milk
1 ripe banana
1 Tbsp. creamy peanut butter
Blend together for a delicious high protein drink.

Sticky Treats


1 banana (for body)
peanut butter
fresh fruit (any kind will do, cut into different shapes)
food colouring

Use peanut butter as a glue to stick different fruit shapes onto the banana to create your very own creature.
Add a drop of food colouring on the fruit to give it that special colour.
For some added treats try using sweets (m&m's, smarties, buttons , etc.) You can also use whipped cream(low fat) and raisins.
Make a party of it, invite some friends over and have them bring along one of the add-ons to be used.
Fun, tasty, and healthy....what more could you want!

Sticky Banana Fingers

1 Banana peeled
75g (3oz) dark chocolate
4 tablespoons sunflower oil
4 tablespoons clear honey
125g (4oz) self-raising flower
2 beaten eggs
2 tablespoons milk


Preheat oven to gas mark 4 (180°C, 350°F).
Line a 7" (18cm) square cake tin with greaseproof paper and grease the paper.

Method & Cooking

  1. Put the chocolate into a small saucepan with the oil and honey and heat gently until the chocolate has melted.
  2. While the chocolate is on the heat, mash the Banana.
  3. Put the flour into a bowl and make a hole in the centre. Pour the melted chocolate mixture into the hole with the Banana, eggs and some milk to give a smooth mixture when mixed. Pour into the tin.
  4. Bake in the oven for 25 minutes or until firm. Turn out and leave to cool. Cut into 9 squares and serve.

Banana Muffins.

1 large Banana peeled and mashed
1 tablespoon baking powder
250g (9oz) plain flour
150g (5oz) caster sugar
25g (1oz) bran
1 large egg
75g (3oz) low fat butter chilled & grated
100ml (4fl oz) skimmed milk
1 teaspoon vanilla essence.
You can turn this recipe into a fab banana cake, by simply putting the mixture into a cake tin instead of a bun tray. It is really nice if you place some orange peel on top of the cake as it gives it a lovely tangy flavour.  Here is a picture of one I made earlier.

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Preheat oven to gas mark 6 (200°C, or 400°F)

Place 8 muffin cases into a muffin (or bun) tin.

Method (takes 20 minutes)

  1. Sieve flour & baking powder into a large mixing bowl and stir in the sugar, bran and the mashed banana.
  2. Make a hole in the middle of the mixture and add in the egg, butter, milk and vanilla essence. Mix thoroughly until smooth.
  3. Add a spoonful of the mixture into each muffin case.

Cooking (takes 20 minutes)

Bake for 20 minutes until the muffins rise and become firm to touch


 wpe32E.jpg (4491 bytes)Banana Pops            

Ice-pop sticks
Lemon juice
Grape Nuts                                                                                                                                            Stick banana halves into ice-pop sticks.
Dip bananas into a mixture of 1/2 lemon juice and 1/2 water.Roll bananas in crushed Grape Nuts, place on wax paper and freeze.  

wpe32F.jpg (3852 bytes)Yoghurt ice-pops

1 cup plain yogurt
1 banana, sliced                                                                
1 tsp. vanilla
1 cup fruit juice or fruit chunks
Favourites: orange juice or peach

Blend ingredients together and pour into small paper cups.

Place a plastic spoon or ice-pop stick in each cup when yogurt mixture is half frozen.
To serve, turn cup upside-down and run hot water over it until the ice-pop slips out.
The cups can be used as a holder. 

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