27th March, 2003


March 27. And other parts of the world are following suit. Hong Kong has ordered 1000 people quarantined.

Singapore, after two deaths, has closed all schools until April 6.

Who knows what measures are being taken in China, said to be the source of the mystery pneumonia.

Health Canada has "urged" citizens to put off travel to Vietnam, Hong Kong, Singapore, and the Guangdong Province of China.

Thousands of Canadians have been asked to quarantine themselves.

The Toronto Scarborough Hospital may close. Meanwhile, some health workers there are already quarantined.

SARS is the biggest story in Canada. It's knocked the war off the front page.

The Ontario government has declared a medical emergency, which basically gives authorities the power to take any action to block the spread of the disease.

Okay. So now what is really happening?

Scientists in Hong Kong have scuttled the virus they said was causing SARS. Forget it. They are now falling in line with the US CDC, which says the probable cause is a strain of the coronavirus, that family of germs which numbers among its greatest achievements the common cold.

Except, this is probably a new strain, possibly coming from animals in South China. Ah yes. Remember the green-monkey theory of AIDS? The theory quietly dropped after it became apparent that no one could prove any connection?

Here is what health authorities DON'T know about SARS:

They don't know what's causing it.

They don't know that SARS is an IT at all. In other words, there is a good chance that these patients getting sick and dying are getting sick for VARIOUS unrelated reasons.

And as the hysteria grows, people will be labeled SARS who actually are, oh, poisoned by pesticides, suffering from reactions to smallpox shots, dying of starvation, dying of infections that move in when immune systems are weak...

Fever, cough, weakness, respiratory problems---a few of the SARS symptoms---a person can pick those up almost anywhere for almost any reason. Heck, even CHEMTRAILS can cause these things in some people.

And then we get the good old back-up position: "We think this virus is the cause, but other viruses may be combining with it to create the real danger." Sure, and there may be 1 asteroid or 4 or 16 or 4587 within a light year of Earth.

Buried in a CTV story about SARS were two interesting facts. Most people who get sick are recovering without treatment, and the recovery rate seems to be increasing. (By the way, there is no treatment for "SARS.")

The second interesting fact was revealed by a Doctor Rau (Canadian): "For those who recover, it's their immune system taking care of it."

This is called a CLUE. Hmm.

Perhaps it would make sense to build up your immune system. Wow.

Except conventional medicine does not know how to do this. There is no medical treatment called; IMMUNE BUILD-UP.

And yet...this is obviously the thing to do. Nutrients, better food, less sugar, less coffee, and so on. The simple things. The things mainstream doctors don't write scripts for.

Now, if you visit various alternative news sites, you'll see all sorts of material about killer germs that may be on the loose. And yes, if scientists screw around in labs long enough, they may come up with some designer germs that cause health problems. But on the other hand, all these sites automatically assume that SARS is one disease entity. It's an IT. It's one thing. When, in fact, that's a dangerous presumption to make, because when you do, you're going right into the medical paradigm full tilt. You're looking over the shoulders of researchers as they try to isolate the one germ that is causing the one disease and soon you will see them pull out one drug, most likely a toxic drug, and you will forget all about this primary idea of strengthening your immune system. You'll leave that by the side of the road, as you sink into a trance.

Canada is rapidly moving into that trance.

People are wearing masks even at home.

"Let's have a kiss, hon."

"Hell no. I'm not taking off my mask."

The fear op is working. Most official fear ops do work.

Check out mainstream reports on SARS. Who are the reporters talking to? Where are they getting their information? Who is calling the shots? How often do those sources change their story?

If this thing goes much further, you're going to see that the medical honchos have developed an approved test for SARS. It'll be a test that registers the presence of antibodies. They'll say those antibodies are a specific indicator that the SARS germ is present in the body, because the antibodies were sent out by the body to combat the SARS germ. And then those people who test positive can be quarantined.

Here is what they won't say. Antibodies, traditionally, are a clear sign that the body is mounting a SUCCESSFUL defense against a germ. And very often, antibodies are present because they are working against SOME GERM OTHER THAN THE ONE BEING TESTED FOR. It's called cross reaction, and it renders the test useless.

You won't hear these things.

You also won't hear that fear can cause a lowering of immune function in the body.





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