Times ChangeQuarterly Political & Cultural Magazine |
of back issues available: Number One, Spring 1994 : Leader Adams agonistes; Paddy Smith 'Listen and learn'; Stephen Hopkins 'New life on the left'; Ellen Hazelkorn and Henry Patterson 'Business as usual'; Des Geraghty 'Power to the people'; Proinsias Breathnach 'Solidarity at work'; Ruth Riddick 'A future for Irish film'; George O'Brien 'Imagining O'Faolain'; Sean Kelly 'A new paradigm'; Maurice Goldring 'Dissolvers of borders'; Jill Siddall 'A family affair'; Selina Guinness 'Croats destroy Mostar's historic bridge'; Book reviews John Barry Conference Papers on Capitalism, Nature, Socialism Gerard O'Quigley The New ProtectionismNumber Two, Summer 1994: Leader Europe in need of vision; Richard Dunphy 'National self-determination once again'; Paul Sweeney 'Ireland's people revolution'; Pat Rabbitte 'The media and politics'; Xavier Madrazo and Fearghal Ross 'Conviction politics on the Spanish left'; Stephen Hopkins 'Italian left-wing defeat'; Paul Hainsworth 'The resistible rise of the extreme right'; Philip O'Connor 'Bosnia: the case for partition'; Hugh Maxton 'Rag Time' (review of 'Recent Work' by Lucian Freud); Book reviews Tom Crean Luke Kelly; a memoir Helen Lahert The Hidden Tradition: Feminism,Women and Nationalism in Ireland Gerard O'Quigley Talking about Tomorrow/ Democracy and Difference; Terence Brown Pleasant the Scholar's Life Number Three, Autumn/Winter 1994: Leader Why socialism is essential; Proinsias De Rossa 'Beyond flags and emblems'; Roger Clark 'New Labour policy on Ireland'; Sean Kelly 'The future of work'; Sylvie Batt 'Population matters'; Colm Breathnach 'Why Bosnia matters'; Steve Munby 'Fire from the mountain?'; Alan Matthews 'The Uraguay Round'; Hugh Maxton 'Bomb Culture'; Richard Dunphy 'Culture and identity' (article in review: Understanding Ulster/Black Hole, Green Card/Scotland and Ulster) Number Four, Spring 1995: Leaders The Second Republic? Framework guarantees; Ellen Hazelkorn 'A new model of radical democracy'; Philip O'Connor 'Foreign policy in transition'; Frans Frison 'It didn't stop with Auschwitz ... '; Paul Hainsworth 'East Timor: a crime against humanity'; Roberto Freire (interview) 'The left's long journey'; Lorraine Glendenning 'Culture and community'; Hugh Maxton 'Angels with bayonets drawn' (review of exhibition 'Avant-Garde Art and the Great War'); Stephen Matterson 'A tour-de-force of language' (article in review: How Late it Was, How Late); Book reviews Helen Guerin Border Crossing; Gavin Bowd The Death of Politics: France under Mitterand P.J. McClean Northern Ireland 1921-1993 Richard Douthwaite Passion for the Earth Number Five, Summer/Autumn 1995: Leader The art of compromise; Arthur Aughey 'Finding a new balance'; Fiachra O Celleachair 'Debating divorce'; Eric Hobsbawm 'Tale of the century'; Sylvie Batt 'Chirac's French lessons'; Henry Patterson 'Sandinista divisions'; Peter Connell 'Revisionism and the Great Famine'; Proinsias O Drisceoil 'Sites of Commemmoration'; James Kelman (interview) 'Straight talking'; Book reviews Enda O'Doherty The Dead School Joe Deasy Strong Words, Brave Deeds: The Poetry, Life and Times of Thomas O'Brien Number Six, Winter 1995/6: Leader The Principality of Ulster? A second consideration of current constitutional problems; Thomas Stewart 'Talks will be tough'; Gary Kent 'Labour and Ireland'; Michael Mullan 'Encouraging the others'; Richard Douthwaite 'Can Red and Green unite?'; Paul Delaney 'Settled racisms'; Kate Baillie 'Holy terror in Algeria'; Peter Doran 'Mary Shelley's Frankenstein - an ecological parable'; Gerald Dawe 'Against Piety'; Book reviews Rosemary Bechler Heart of the Heartless World David Margolies E.P. Thompson: Objections and Oppositions Richard Dunphy Ireland and the Vatican Ron Callan Black List Section H Number Seven, Spring1996: Francis Sheehy Skeffington 'Open Letter to Thomas MacDonagh' (reprint); Paddy Gillan 'The national neurosis'; Philip McGuinness 'State and nation'; Philip O'Connor 'Ireland and the new Maastricht'; Tom Farrell "Eastern promise'; Peter Doran 'Writing the Famine; Noting the Silences'; Helena Sheehan 'The End of History? Grand Narratives of Our Time'; Book reviews Gavin Bowd The First Man Martin Mansergh Republics, Nations and Tribes James Loughlin Enemies and Passing Friends Colin Coulter Development Ireland/An Economic Lesson for Irish Nationalists and Republicans Number Eight, Summer/Autumn 1996: Leader Democracy can deny victory to wreckers; Paul Sweeney 'Jobless life sentence'; Edna Longley 'The Irish Republic: Part of the Problem/Part of the Solution'; Conor McCarthy 'Speculations on 'Big John' and the tecnological sublime'; Gary Kent 'New York, New Left?' Stephen Hopkins 'Italy's Olive Tree under strain'; Tom Farrell 'Burma: the new killing fields'; Astrid Gerber 'Dublin's working class suburbs: between Apocalypse and theme park'; Book reviews Henry Patterson The Fight for Peace Proinsias O Drisceil Building Trust in Northern Ireland Peter Connell Irish Voters Decide ; Responses: Patrick J. Roche and Esmond Birnie respond to Colin Coulter; Arthur Aughey gives a second opinion on Enemies and Passing Friends Number Nine, Winter 1996/7: Leaders What price neutrality? The challenge to the left; Deirdre O'Connell 'Renewing the Constitution'; Roger Cole 'Neutrality - an Irish tradition'; Proinsias De Rossa 'From Maastricht to social solidarity'; Gary Kent 'The Trimble enigma'; Johan Lonnroth 'What's left?'; Gerald Dawe 'Questions of language'; Austen Morgan 'Big Fella, Good Fella'; Book reviews Richard Dunphy The Long War/Fighting for Ireland? Gary Kent One Hundred Years of Socialism Stephen Wilson Reading in the Dark Number Ten, Spring 1997: Leader Renewing the government; Conor Murphy 'EMU: in or out?'; Pat Rabbitte 'Tackling the drugs crisis'; Gary Kent 'New Labour, new vision'; Rogelio Alonso and Henry Patterson 'ETA and the IRA'; Malcolm Barry 'What's in store for the left?'; Fred Lowe 'Modern myths and the need for democratic socialism'; Gavin Bowd 'Spectres of French communism'; Rogelio Alonso 'Michael Collins in Europe'; Chris Walker 'An Anglo-Irish sensibility'; Book reviews David Wheatley Inventing Ireland Marc Mulholland 1922/Revolution in Ireland Paul Bew From Public Defiance to Guerrilla Warfare Robin Wilson The Dynamics of Conflict in Northern Ireland Number Eleven, Summer/Autumn 1997: Leaders It's payback time; Freedom of the press and the public interest; Henry Patterson 'Words for peace'; Patrick J. Roche and Dr J. Esmond Birnie 'Irish nationalism and government policy: appeasing the insatiable'; Colin Coulter 'A reading lesson for Ulster unionists'; Ellen Hazelkorn 'Irish cultural industries and economic strategy'Gavin Bowd and Andrew Hussey 'Sympathy for the devil: the lonely death of Nicu Ceausescu' ; Joseph Ruane and Jennifer Todd 'Come down from the mountain'(a reply to Robin Wilson's review of The Dynamics of Conflict in Northern Ireland); Book reviews Stephen Hopkins The Northern Ireland Peace Process 1993-1996 Gary Kent Killing Rage/Fifty Dead Men Walking Dan O'Neill Left and Right: the significance of political distinction Stephen Wilson Eureka Street Number Twelve, Winter 1997/98: Leader Work for the left; Michael Enright - an appreciation; Pat Rabbitte 'Education for work'; Simon Partridge 'Needed: a roof for our common home'; Peter Doran 'Ecology of spectacle: the institutionalisation of denial at the Union Nations'; John de Courcy Ireland: 'Shipping in troubled waters'; Michael Stanley: 'Media calmed seas for "Big John" '; Marianne Peyronnet: 'Was Sen O'Casey a feminist playwright?'; Book reviews Stephen Wilson The Novel and the Nation Gordon Gillespie Who are the People? Dick Walsh Media in Ireland Number Thirteen, Spring 1998: Leader Amsterdam: a small step forward; Jim Kemmy - an appreciation; Frank Jennings 'What price human rights?'; David Shanks 'Fair trade or free trade?' Proinsias De Rossa 'Northern agreement must be grounded in reality'; Proinnsias Breathnach 'Can the left survive the millennium?'; Roger Simon 'What does the left mean today?'; Mary McMahon 'Parity of hatred'; Arthur Aughey 'Fukuyama and the Irish Question'; Gavin Bowd 'Roger Garaudy, the Red-Brown "Dreyfus"'; Money Talks; Gerald Dawe 'Troubles past, troubles present'; Book reviews Peter Connell A Death-Dealing Famine David Wheatley The Strange Death of Liberal England Mary O Drisceoil In Search of Ireland Number Fourteen, Summer 1998: Leader Fianna Fil: old soldiers, new destiny? Robin Wilson 'Charting a radical future for the Irish left'; Richard Dunphy 'Leading from the left'; Gavin Bowd 'France 1968: slogans with the ring of truth'; Stephen Hopkins 'French communism's complex history'; Aled Griffiths 'Germany: no reason to worry, no cause to hope'; Conor O Briain 'Human rights abuse in Algeria'; Liam de Paor 'Ag Rabadh Bas: The Heritage of '98'; Sen O Cearnaigh 'The Irish language in Northern Ireland'; Book reviews Feargus O Raghallaigh International Perspectives on the Irish Economy Hilary Tovey Short Circuit Stephen Hopkins The Trouble with Guns Number Fifteen, Autumn 1998: Leader Republicanism and the politics of make-believe; Speak Out John de Courcy Ireland; John Bruton 'Politics and ideology'; Proinsias De Rossa 'Towards a left-led government'; Ruari Quinn 'Opportunities for the left'; Donald Sassoon 'Landscaping Europe'; Helena M. Carlson 'Policing a peaceful Northern Nreland'; Martin McGarry 'Two Belgian nations?'; Richard Douthwaite 'Green economics and sustainable development'; Mark Cowling '"Working men of all countries, unite!'''; Book reviews Paul Bew Michael Collins and the Making of the Irish State David Wheatley Devils and Angels Number Sixteen, Winter 1998/99: Leader American foreign policy: mindless muscle? Philip O'Connor 'Ireland's role in European security and defence'; Michael Stanley 'Garda methods under scrutiny'; Fred Lowe 'The Third Way: where is it leading?'; Simon Partidge ' The Irish diaspora and devolved democracy in the British-Irish islands'; Anna Campanile 'Brecht's legacy'; Ian D Thatcher 'A manifesto still under review'; Book reviews Richard Dunphy The Republican Ideal Paul Hirst The Third Way Declan O'Driscoll Waking/The Rest is History Number Seventeen, Spring/Summer 1999: Leader Beyond the Celtic Tiger; Aurthur Aughey '"Armed peace" will wreck Belfast Agreement'; John de Courcy Ireland 'A party of the people'; Joao Carrascalao (interview) 'End of East Timor struggle in sight?'; Michael Boss 'Mysticism and the politicsof feeling: the enduring dream of an authentic Ireland'; Elizabeth Hazlehurst ' O'Casey frozen out by feminists'; Stephen Hopkins 'Wrenching life from the dead hand of history'; Book reviews Jack McGinley James Larkin: Lion of the Fold D.C. Rose Art and Outrage Jean Craig Dis/Agreeing Ireland Joseph Ruane United in disagreement Number Eighteen, Autumn/Winter 1999: Leader Ideology and the peace process/ Dempsy's electoral reform: Trojan horse or new challenge?; P.J. McClean 'Civil rights: then and now'; Michael O'Reilly 'A new model for wage bargaining'; Proinnsias Breathnach 'Social polarisation and the Celtic Tiger'; John Walsh 'Mean-minded law does nothing for human rights protection'; Sadhbh O'Neill 'Genetic engineering: a cause for concern'; Claudine Gaidoni " 'Throwing sand in the wheels of speculation' "; Rui Bebiano 'Portugal: a revolution that worked'; David Shanks 'East Timor: free at last?'; Delma McDevitt 'European right hardens ideology'; Book reviews Dick Walsh Memoir: My Life and Themes Dan O'Neill Cruel Britannia/Sultans of Spin Back issues available from