Times ChangeQuarterly Political & Cultural Magazine |
Autumn 1998
Contents (Issue No. 15) Editorial: Republicanism and the politics of make-believe Speak out: John de Courcy Ireland castigates the left's deafening silence as house prices soar beyond the reach of ordinary people Politics and Ideology: John Bruton addresses the role of political ideology in resolving conflicts, with particular reference to the conflict in Ireland Towards a left-led government: Proinsias de Rossa argues that the mission of the left is to create a radical political movement in Ireland and Europe Opportunities for the left: Ruairi Quinn believes that the end of civil war politics can strengthen the left in Ireland Landscaping Europe: Donald Sassoon argues that the social democratic project is now to reform capitalism, not to control it Policing a peaceful Northern Ireland: Helena Carlson outlines the steps that should be taken to demilitarise the RUC Two Belgian nations? Martin McGarry looks at the fault-lines along which Belgium, a country with two distinct communities, might break up Green economics and sustainable development: Richard Douthwaite argues that a distinction must be made between good and bad economic growth 'Working men of all countries, unite': Mark Cowling looks at the manifesto that shaped the twentieth century Book Review: Paul Bew reviews Michael Collins and the Making of the Irish State by Gabriel Doherty and Dermot Keogh (editors) Book Review:
David Wheatley reviews Devils and Angels: Television, Ideology and the Coverage of Poverty by Eoin Devereux |
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Revised: 09/03/00 |