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Times Change

Quarterly Political & Cultural Magazine 


   Winter 1998/99: Issue No. 16


Ireland's role in European security and defence 
Philip O'Connor asks if Irish neutrality is being abandoned by stealth 

Garda methods under scrutiny 
Michael Stanley recalls earlier controversies about Garda interrogation techniques in the light of the strong condemnation of their behaviour by the judge in the Paul Ward case 

The Third Way: where is it leading? 
Fred Lowe asks if the Third Way is a yellow brick road or a circuitous path of verbal dalliance 

The Irish diaspora and devolved democracy in the British-Irish islands 
Simon Partridge sees an opportunity to escape from conflicting and destructive 'national sovereignty' straitjackets and create the conditions for amicable engagement in a spirit of equality and justice 

Brecht's legacy
Anna Campanile assesses Bertolt Brecht's reputation in Germany 

A manifesto still under review 
Ian D Thatcher surveys some past receptions of the Communist Manifesto 

Book Reviews 

Richard Dunphy on The Republican Ideal: Current Perspectives by Norman Porter (editor)  

Paul Hirst on The Third Way: The Renewal of Social Democracy by Anthony Giddens  

Proinsias Breathnach on Inside the Celtic Tiger: The Irish Economy and the Asian Model by Denis O'Hearn  

Declan O'Driscoll on Waking: An Irish Protestant Upbringing by Hugh Maxton and The Rest is History by Gerald Dawe  

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