Times ChangeQuarterly Political & Cultural Magazine |
Autumn - Winter
1999 Issue 18 Contents Leader Ideology and the peace process Trojan Horse or New Challenge? Civil rights: then and now A new model for wage bargaining Michael O'Reilly makes the case for a new wage agreement based on economic power-sharing Social polarisation and the Celtic Tiger Proinnsias Breathnach considers whether Ireland is becoming a society divided into a 'cyberproletariat' and 'lumpentrash' Mean-minded law does nothing for human rights protection John Walsh reviews Ireland's asylum and immigration policy and concludes that recent legislation represents a backward step Genetic engineering: a cause for concern Sadhbh O'Neill argues that industrial agriculture is shedding jobs and bankrupting small farmers; genetic engineering will exacerbate this situation 'Throwing sand in the wheels of speculation' Claudine Gaidoni says the Tobin Tax offers a solution to the universal insecurity caused by the globalisation of investment capital Portugal: a revolution that worked Rui Rebiano believes the 'Carnation Revolution' of 1974 changed Portugal for the better East Timor: free at last? David Shanks outlines the violent history of Indonesia's illegal occupation of East Timor European right hardens ideology Delma McDevitt looks at the balance of forces in the European Parliament following the 1999 elections
Book Reviews Dick Walsh reviews Memoir: My Life and Themes by Conor Cruise O'Brien |
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Revised: 09/02/00 |