Onion by Elly
beginner's guide to the use of process drama in education. Published
by IAPCE in partnership with the Outreach Dept. of the Abbey Theatre
and the 'Arts in Care' project associated with the Age and Opportunity
agency in conjunction with the Midland Health Board.
This publication by Elly McCrea
aims to provide the reader/practitioner with a clear understanding of
the practice of 'process drama'. The various stages are explained in
an engaging and innovative manner through the use of dialog.
Particular emphasis is placed on the principles of group safety and
cohesion. Elly's Onion is a resource that will be of great interest to
teachers, care workers and others seeking to transform intractable
contexts and to enable individuals experience change in their
attitudes and feelings. This book provides a fresh approach to the use
of drama in education. Cost: 19.95 (16.95 to iapce members)

with Change & Loss
By Micheal
Living With Change and Loss By
Michael Ryan Published by iapce. 160 pages This effective and
innovative resource will make a considerable contribution to schools
wishing to deal comprehensively and sensitively with issues of Change,
Death and Loss. The programme that Michael Ryan has developed has been
piloted successfully in a number of schools. It has been reviewed and
supported enthusiastically by professionals in the field. Units
include: change throughout life - the grieving process - parental
separation and loss. - stages of grief - different types of death -
gender & loss - mental health. issues - suicide - unresolved grief
Included is a comprehensive guide for facilitators and those who might
use the programme in a variety of settings. Cost: 16.45 (14.60
to iapce members)
Disaffection Edited
Luke Monahan & Ned Prendergast Published by iapce. 200 pages
publication provides the reader with a unique opportunity to explore
disaffaction from a variety of perspectives that will prompt
reflection on our understanding of the issue at various levels. This
book is also a resource to explore a range of responses to the many
challenges school communities face in the area of disaffaction. The
gathering of contributors includes offerings from students, parents,
teachers, policy-makers, project leaders and many others. While not
attempting to be exhaustive, the book is a most welcome and timely
addition not only to our understanding of the issue of disaffaction in
schools but also to our practical response. The book offers: o A range
of insights into student disaffaction o An understanding of the wider
context of disaffaction o An analysis of the causes o Personal
reflections of students, teachers and parents o Explorations of a
variety of projects in progress across the country Cost: 14.95 (13.50
to iapce members)

Moving Forward
With Students:
By Luke
is an extensive resource that answers not only the why, but also, the how
when it comes to student involvement in the life of the school. if you are looking for
effective proven strategies to support the teaching and learning environment by providing
crucial leadership opportunities to students.......look no further. This is a
gathering of practical and accessible suggestions that will support and encourage you at
every level.
of Suicide Edited
by Siobhαn Foster-Ryan and Luke Monahan Published by Veritas 325
What is it like to lose a loved one through suicide?
How do we support a
suicide-bereaved friend?
How can we break the news
of a suicide?
How do we talk with
Can we identify and respond to signs of risk?
What can the school
Where is faith in all
What supports are
in this unique gathering of experiences and perspectives on suicide.
The book aims to be supportive, resourceful and informative to those
touched by suicide in any way. In particular this book will
personal stories of the
suicide bereaved
current research in the
support for individuals
and families
responses for the school
community to consider
information on a range of
courses and organisations to support the suicide bereaved. Also
includes a range of reflections on suicide and loss, with
contributions from U2, Christy Moore, Jim Corr and John Lonergan.
Cost: 19.95

The Chaplain:
A Faith Presence in the School Community
By Luke Monahan & Caroline Renehan. Published
by Columba Press.
An extensive handbook for the chaplain
and an invaluable resource to religion teachers, principals and chaplain themselves. In
the book:
A detailed rationale and framework
for the role is provided.
Issues such as bereavement,
assemblies, liturgies, individual interviewing, retreats, parish links are addressed.
Suicide - a case study is examined.

Suicide, Bereavement and Loss:
& Responses
By Luke Monahan. Published by iapce.
Suicide,bereavement and loss are
painful subjects - no one is immune. Suicide rates are rising, the effects of bereavement
and loss are profound. This publication faces these sensitive areas and provides the
reader with an invaluable range of insights and practical responses. It is a most timely
and relevant resource that will be appreciated by all concerned with young people.Topics
Bereavement and Loss.
Guidelines for coping with Grief in
the School Situation.
Suicide - Facts, Influences and
Sudden Death of a Student -
One School's responses.
Suicide - The Irish Story.
Change Loss and Death
education - Piloting a Programme.
Society, School and the
What can a School Do? -
Practical Planning and responses
Cost: 10.80 (10.10 to iapce members)

The Year Head: A key Link in the School Community.
By Luke Monahan. Published by iapce.
This practical study is supplemented with an extensive
collection of contributions - a gathering of challenging, supportive, creative and
grounded ideas and strategies.
A comprehensive guide to every aspect of the year head's role.
Providing over 500 practical
ideas, resources and strategies.
Dealing with concerns such as:
use of time; discipline; monitoring progress; year group spirit; recognition &
definition of the role.
Addressing views, questions
and difficulties of teachers expressed through a survey carried out for this book.
The choice of contributors - teachers, principals and others - represents the
many strands of our education system.
While focusing on the Year Head, is of relevance to: classroom teachers,
principals, teachers in training, guidance counsellors, class tutors - indeed a resource
for the whole school.
Cost: 10.80 (10.10 to iapce members)

& Stress: Beyond Control?
Published by iapce
Discipline & Stress: Beyond
Control? Luke Monahan & Ned Prendergast (eds) Published by iapce. An
edited series of reflections taken from a range of speakers such as:
Tony Humphries, John Lonergan and Dr Maeve Martin considering the nature
of discipline in our schools and pointing some ways forward. Cost: 4.45
Guide By Patricia Dwyer Published by The Centre for Education
Services, Marino Institute. 112 pages
There are few more
challenging issues in education today than that of behaviour
management. This new publication provides a practical resource for
schools. It moves from theory to practice, outlining the context and
causes of challenging behaviour, the importance of building
relationships in schools, and the role of the teacher and school
leaders in promoting positive behaviour. The book also presents
examples of good practice from a range of Irish schools, as well as
providing an overview of a range of global responses to managing
behaviour. It provides case studies, audit materials and information
sheets so that schools may engage in the process of drawing up a Code
of Behaviour suitable for their own context. Most importantly the book
offers an 'ideas bank' of practical resources, forms and posters
suitable for use by teachers and other members of the wider school
community. With an emphasis on fostering student responsibility and
creating a climate where positive behaviour is the norm this book will
be a godsend to classroom teachers, student teachers, principals, Year
Heads, class tutors, Discipline committees, guidance counsellors -
indeed all members of the school community.
Cost: 25 (22.00 to iapce members)

Making School A Better
By Luke Monahan.
Published by the Marino Institute of Education.Exploring the pastoral care approach to what happens in school. The
role of the year head, discipline, award structures, the tutor are some of the issues
practically addressed. This book will:
offer an understanding of the
key elements of pastoral care in education.
suggest practical ideas of how
a pastoral approach can make school a better place.
pose questions to help the
reader reflect on their own school situation.
Cost: 6.35

The Class Tutor:
The Why...The
What...The How...
By Luke Monahan. Published by iapce.
The Class Tutor
role is one that the vast majority of teachers will undertake - at
last a comprehensive handbook for the Irish context is available. Prof
John Coolahan in his foreword: 'The beneficiaries of this handbook
will be many - class tutors, school staffs in general, guidance and
counselling personnel, parents, and, most importantly, pupils
will benefit most from the applications of its guidelines'. Already in
its second printing. This book will: Offer a comprehensive
understanding of the role of the Class Tutor. Provide over 250
practical ideas and strategies. Address the common difficulties faced
in the role of Class Tutor.
Cost: 9.55 (8.25 to iapce members)
Hope: Unaccompanied
Minors in Ireland, From Understanding to Response By Krizan Vekic
Published by The Centre for Education Services, Marino Institute. 126
Is a book which focuses on the lives of eighteen
unaccompanied minors seeking asylum in Ireland. The study looked at
the lives of nine boys and nine girls from eleven different countries
and documents their hopes, anxieties and experiences. The book further
highlights the significant issues relating to the experiences of
unaccompanied minors attending Irish schools as well as exploring the
young people's perceptions of schooling within the social/material
context they find themselves, and how this affects their lives. Cost:
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