Re Membership for 2002 February
6, 2002
I enclose a copy
of the first issue of the ICCA Newsletter for 2002.
membership year for the ICCA commenced on 1st September 200l
and will run until 31st December 2002. Thereafter the membership
year will be on a calendar year basis.
membership fee from this year is 8 Euros per year or 15 Euros for 2
years. The membership fee enables the ICCA to affiliate to the International
Correspondence Chess Federation (ICCF), issue a Newsletter, organise
and enter Irish teams in ICCF tournaments and friendly matches, arrange
entries in ICCF individual tournaments and run domestic sections.
ICCA is a non-commercial voluntary body and does not receive public
funds. The membership fee is the main source of income. The Associations
survival is dependent on its membership so you might wish to consider
joining or re-joining. Fees should be by cheque/postal order payable
to the ICCA and sent to me. You can join for 2 or more years ahead if
you prefer. Membership fees (pro-rata) for people living in Northern
Ireland and mainland Britain should be sent to our Northern Treasurer-
David Blair, 27 Cherryvalley Gardens, Belfast ,
Northern Ireland BT5 6PQ.
Because of the printing and postage costs involved we are considering
electronic distribution of the Newsletter, which would also be faster
and more certain of arrival, so if you are interested in this please
furnish your e-mail address.
President, David Salter, runs our teams
for friendly matches and is always on the look-out for new people. If
you are interested in playing in a friendly match please contact him.
Please see his letter overleaf.
Jack Killane
(Secretary/ Treasurer)