The Franciscan Abbey
(Courtesy of Tom McGettrick; retired Principal National School
teacher and local historian from Ballymote Parish)
"It is a pity there is so little known about Ballymote Abbey.Though
destroyed about 1587, the Friars must have continued to teach
school there, as two students taught at Ballymote were enrolled at
Salamanca about 1691".
This is an extract from a letter written by T.H. Canon Quin,
Parish Priest of Ballymote 1921-1943, on 24th September 1929, to
a friar at the Franciscan House, Killiney, Co.Dublin. Histories of
Sligo, published by this time, do not include any of the Abbey's
story. J.C. McDonagh's History of Ballymote and Surroundings
had not yet been published. He devotes some pages to piests,
monks, and friars in the parish but he doesn't relate any of their
activities to the story of the Abbey.
The Friary was founded in Ballymote in 1442 by three brothers;
Patrick, Andrew and PhilipO'Coleman (O Colmain), of the Third
Order of St. Francis. The tradition is that Pope Eugenius IV
granted permission for the founding. The bust with papal tiara
on the stone over the western entrance is regarded as
acknowledging his association with the coming of the Franciscans
to Ballymote. McDonagh, Chieftain of Corran, the barony in
which Ballymote is situated, gave the Franciscans his patronage.
He occupied the Norman-built castle near the sitee. Ballymote
Castle changed ownership many times during its lifetime,
depending on the fluctuating fortunes of the various factions that
sought its shelter.
I had passed the Abbey many times down the years and saw only smothering ivy, scattered
stones and headstones in weedy surroundings, all adding their share of age and neglect to
the overall scene. At a more recent time a list of the guardians of the Friary in the 17th and
18th Century came my way and this caused me to think of what went on inside the walls
when the ruin was a roofed and windowed Friary sheltering a community of friars inspired
in their vocations by the rule of St. Francis of Assisi.
I am indebted to Fr. Ignatius Hennessy at Killiney for his help in
tracing some history of the Ballymote Franciscans. He gave me a
list of the guardians and a copy of Canon Quinn's letter. The
information in available records tells of a community subjected
to all the abuses that those who promote the Reformation and
enforced the Penal Laws could heap on it. Sometimes local greed
and rivalries brought trials their way. But when they were
ruined or destroyed, as records tell, they held on or came back to
repair and continue in their mission. There were gardens and
orchards round their home and one and a half quarters of land,
suggesting long periods of peaceful rural pursuits. It was then
Ceathramha na Sagart, a name which was a recognition of the
Franciscans long service there. Today it is the townland of
In Medieval Religious Houses in Ireland, compiled by Aubery
Gwynn and R. Neville Haddock, a paragraph on Ballymote
Friary relates, "In 1483 Donald Oduda, master of the Franciscan
House of Balemouta complained that Donatus MacDonkayd, a
layman with accomplices attacked and burned the Friary and town
driving the friars into exile and plundering them of their goods".
There is no reason given for this pillage and arson, which took
place forty-one years after the Franciscans came to Ballymote.
McDonagh,Chieftain of Corran already mentioned(or his
successor) had angered some local chieftains because of his
aggressive efforts to lord it over them, and over his kinsmen, the
McDonaghs of Tirerrill. Retaliation could have brought this fate
on his town. This cannot be quoted as a historical fact. It might
have been the plunder mentioned in Oduda's complaint,that
drew the attack on the town and Friary.
That the Friars returned and put their house in order again is
clear by the next event when the Friary is desecrated once
more.The information is also from the source quoted above, 'An
Inquisition of 1584-6 found that the Friary near the castle to which
it belonged had been totally ruined by rebels'.The castle had been
taken over by Sir Richard Bingham, English Governor of
Connacht, and he placed his brother, George as constable over
it.This Bingham made enemies of the O'Rorkes of Breffni( see
O'Rorke's History of Sligo Pt.II).