Ballymote Station

Ballymote Station

Ballymote Station.


Rail Timetable (Temporary) valid from Sept 17th to December 31 2000.
NB: Due to unforeseen circumstances, some services will be part substituted by bus. As a result delays of up to 25 minutes may take place. Please check before travelling. Thank You.

Customers with special needs during this period of Sligo line upgrading between Longford and Carrick-on-Shannon should contact their local Railway Station in advance and every effort will be made to facilitate you.

Sligo to Dublin Weekdays


Sligo dep. 04.50 07.45 13.25 18.15 08.35 14.05 17.30 18.20
Collooney 04.59 07.54 13.33 18.26 08.44 14.14 17.38 18.29
Ballymote 05.11 08.06 13.46 18.40 08.56 14.26 17.51 18.41
Boyle 05.28 08.26 14.03 18.59 09.14 14.44 18.08 18.59
Ck-onShannon 05.40 08.37 14.15 19.10 09.25 14.55 18.20 19.10
Dromod 05.55 08.52 14.30 19.25 09.41 15.11 18.35 19.26
Longford 06.10 09.08 14.46 19.39 09.56 15.26 18.51 19.41
Edge'town 06.22 09.20 14.58 19.51 10.08 15.38 19.03 19.53
Mullingar 06.42 09.41 15.18 20.15 10.28 15.58 19.23 20.13
Enfield 07.11
Maynooth 07.30 10.26 16.04 21.00

11.15 16.45 20.18 21.00
Connolly arr 08.19 10.55 16.35 21.29 11.45 17.15 20.49 21.30

DUBLIN to SLIGO Weekdays
Connolly dep 08.28 13.25 17.05 17.15 18.20 08.35 13.40 18.20
Maynooth 08.54 13.50 17.30 17.57 18.46 09.01 14.06 18.46
Enfield 17.48 18.14 19.03
Mullingar dep 09.40 14.35 18.18 18.42 19.34 09.46 14.51 19.31
Edge'town dep 10.03 14.55 18.37 19.07 19.54 10.06 15.10 19.51
Longford 10.15 15.12 18.53 19.20 20.06 10.22 15.23 20.08
Dromod 10.29 15.26 19.09 arr 20.20 10.36 15.42 20.22
CK-onShannon 10.43 15.40 19.39 20.34 10.50 15.56 20.36
Boyle 10.57 15.55 19.53 20.49 11.05 16.11 20.51
Ballymote 11.14 16.11 20.09 21.05 11.22 16.28 21.07
Collooney 11.26 16.24 20.22 21.18 11.34 16.40 21.20
Sligo arr 11.40 16.39 20.36 21.32 11.49 16.54 21.34