The Final Cut Exclusive
We got it here. I can gaurentee this is the first place you will see this piece of casting news. Simply because we broke this gem of a story. As a result the story was mirrored right across the web and then by papers. We are so proud.
Today, on an Irelands' radio One Gabriel Byrne let it slip that he was in talks about a little film he called Star Wars 2. If this is true, I could not be happier, he honestly would make a great Jedi, Light or Dark. The guy has an amazing intensity and presence that a Jedi needs. Mark Hamill never had what was really needed physically. But Guiness had it, Neeson had it and now Byrne has it. I can only hope that this can be seen through, imagine it two Irish Jedi.
Another piece of casting rumour is in relation to Robert Carlyes' involvement in Episode 2. This can to light we he also let it slip that he was "finally going to fulfill a life long dream to be a part of Star Wars". Things are begining hot up. We will always have the latest on this project so keep coming back.
Now that The Phantom Menace has hit the States its time to concentrate on Episode 2. The first bit of juicy rumours are that Leonardo Di Caprio is seriously linked for the role of Anakin. Some may rejoice, some may weap like Shator. All that is definite is that Leo and Lucas have had definite meetings over the last month. This could be about anything. Also, we could see an underground Sith Council. I see mouths begin to water already.