A Tribute to The Silage Men

Tributes have been paid and rightly so,
To men that come and men that go.
Men at war and men at sea,
Men from the mountain and the glen,
But my tribute goes to the silage men.

They cut it and pit it,
Or they bale and wrap it.
Com rain or hail they never fail,
With the best of quality in the haylage bail.

All day long they work alone,
Thanking God for the mobile phone.
When can you come to my uncle Bill.
He's a good few acres, about twenty three,
But he suffers greatly from PST - that's Pre-Silage Tension,
He swears the silage wrapper was a great invention.

And let's not forget the men of yore and the bad weather of 74.
In 59 we had only three good days, I remember it well.
Four strong men from Dublin Castle,
Offered to help - no pay, no hassle.

The talk about it still and well they may,
They travelled to Baltracey, worked all day.
By evening they'd cocked all Hugh O'Connor's hay.
Cheers Lads.

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