Comments on Portal Site for Seniors
I read today's Asbury Press article and was very interested. I am a senior, 70, and am happy to see that you will be making headway to involve more of us. I have had to learn on my own, hunt and peck. In my case, the PC has become my voice. I lost mine to cancer back 12 years ago. When I got my first PC about 5/6 years ago, it was just great. Then when I got on line about 2/3 three years ago, there was no stopping me. I am able to let my fingers do the talking, all over the world, and all over the world I go, day by day, week by month! I feel what you will be doing will be so good for so many of us that just sit and sit! The crafts that are available, the information, just about anything one could think of, it is all there for us.
I have even created my own site, for family and friends, it allows me to keep in touch, but more fun, to share with all the rest what each and every one is doing. I do it usually once a month, with a theme, time of year or Holiday. The one that I did for March, I am especially proud of, it is a tribute to my Irish Parents. Everyone loved it, I was so happy when I was able to master the music and then able to do a second page that honestly and truly connected! It took quite a bit of time, but I have plenty of that. I honestly feel it is good for seniors - keeps the noggin moving and shaking, rather than the body sitting and rocking on the porch!ÊLou W.
And Lou W. writes again:I should mention how being on line as helped me regarding my disability (no voice) and getting through to the proper people regarding a snag in my Medicare refunds due me for durable medical equipment. I wrote to our Senators and Congressmen, email, and also to the President. They all responded and all were instrumental in getting me the benefits that I was entitled to. Whenever I have a problem, question or just being plain nosey, I head straight to the PC. I have never been disappointed, always found what I needed and in record time. I have even contacted my local library and asked to have books reserved and set aside for me until I got there. I love crafting, of any kind. Even if I cannot do it, I love looking and seeing what others are doing. I "visit" Ireland several times a week, writing to family, looking up family names for others. There is just no end to what I can do. Please tell your seniors not to be timid, and tell them that they will never be lonely again. I have made some wonderful friends, from all over the country and world! Thank You for taking time to visit with me.Ê Lou W.
I received the new issue of "Internet Web Directory for Seniors" today. It is great. Thought you might be interested in what I have just done with all the weekly newsletters since August 1999 when I attended a seminar in Manahawkin. First of all, I print them out. Today I cut all the various categories - Excel, Outlook, Netscape, Word, etc. out of all the issues. I dated each one before cutting. As I have my own copier, I laid all of "Excel" and copied the pieces. I did that with all the subjects. Then I took a notebook with dividers and put each subject in its own place. Now if I want some information, I can find the data more quickly. At 79 years of age, I don't remember too well. I'm going to see if the folks here are interested in having a seminar. I found it very helpful. Thanks so much.Ê Marie F.

Updated 8 February 2001>
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