In case you're wondering if I've ever actually written anything, here's a list of my produced work. I'm only listing writing which has had a full production.
There's loads and loads of un-produced material that will hopefully add to this list one day.
Radio Plays
Channel 31
To Sleep
The J-Seat
Grainne’s Cut
A Place in Between
Show and Tell
Conception Pregnancy and Bert
Theatre Plays:
To Sleep
Julie’s Call
Paul’s Talent
The Moon Cut Like a Sickle
Midnight in the Theatre of Blood
A founder member of and actor with KODE Theatre Company (2004). Three productions to date:
One for the Road
Ritual for Dolls
Twice Winner: London Radio Playwright’s Festival
Winner: Dickens Museum Anniversary Short Story Competition
Twice Winner: Mid and North West Radio Play Competition
Shortlisted: P.J. O’Connor Award (Radio)
Shortlisted: Society of Irish Playwright’s O.Z. Whitehead One Act Play Competition.
Second Place: Edith Ruddick Award – Radio Play
Shortlisted: Mid and North West Short Story Competition
As Reviewer/Reader/Shortlister
Woolwich Young Radio Playwright’s Competition – Shortlist reader for three years.
London Radio Playwright’s Competition – shortlist reader for two years.
Currently holding several 'reader' positions but sworn to secrecy on them all.
Writer in association with Claddagh Films, Kinvara, Co. Galway
Channel 31 - a short film, Set for Broadcast on Irish TV soon - watch out!
Just completed first novel - hasn't everyone? - except mine is quite good. If you're an agent or a publisher, ask me about it.
I won't bite your head off, you know.