the Pastor's Desk
This is Fr. O'Driscoll's month for the Sunday reflection, but
with his permission I am stealing some of his space. The reason
is that there is something important that I want to have a word
with you about. It's called:
Experience the Power to Change.
We are all only too aware of the weakening of religious faith
and practice in Irish society, and our parish is no exception.
A group of people have decided to do something positive to address
the problem.
Why change? If we're honest, most of us would have to admit
that there is something in our life we would like to change.
Maybe it's our job, the quality of our relationships, or even
our outlook on life. Deep down we all desire to be better people.
But how do we do that? How do we really change? These people
believe that the answer is in knowing Jesus. He gives us the
power to change. Some people believe He is just a good man who
lived 2000 years ago. Millions more believe that He is living
and active to-day and consider his teaching to be the most important
part of their lives.
The 'Power to Change' people have come up with a programme
that deals with four topics.
1. The questions of life. What can Jesus do in your life? You
will be surprised.
2. The person of Jesus. Who is He?
3. The power to change. There is good news that can change your
4. The way to grow. Four lessons that will develop your relationship
with Jesus.
On Sunday next in Kilnamartyra Hall a speaker from Dublin will
address a seminar on the programme. We as a parish have been
invited to send a delegation, as have other parishes around.
We are responding and will be sending some people. So if you
would like to hear what it is all about I am inviting anybody
interested to let either Fr. O'Driscoll or myself (Fr. O'Sullivan)
know that you wish to travel. It will be in Kilnamartyra Hall
on Sun. next, Aug 18th, from 2 to 5 p.m. On some date and time
after we return those who attend will meet to decide if the
programme has any relevance in our own parish as a means of
doing something positive to arrest the drift from faith.
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Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady:
It will be on Thursday of this week and is a
Holyday of Obligation. Masses will be as on Sunday i.e. Masses
on Wed. evening in all three churches as on Saturdays, and again
on Thursday morning as on Sunday mornings. It celebrates the
Dogma of our faith that tells us that at the end of her life
Mary was assumed body and soul into heaven where she now reigns
as our Queen and Mother.
for Vocations
our Father, send workers into your harvest. May the Spirit we
received in Baptism touch the hearts of many to offer themselves
in priesthood, religious life, and other forms of service. Give
the parents and families of our parish, the wisdom and courage
to support young people, in searching for and following the
call of God in their lives
The One-Sentence Sermon:
Give God what is right, not what is left.
Don't wait for six strong men to take you to church
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