Accepting ourselves - and others - just as we are!
Did you know you're perfect! My authority for assuring you is
a little lad in Miami who peered out at me from a picture on the
classroom wall telling me, "I know I'm good, 'cos God don't
make no thrash". The happy smile on his face convinced me.
How often we delude ourselves into thinking that people - and
the world we live in - would be fine if only they would change
themselves into what we would like them to be, and to act as we
would wish them to! If only we had that magic wand for a day and
the power to get others to see things the way we do, wouldn't
we be living in a great world? That, of course, would be presuming
that we know better than God who made us all individually and
uniquely, and the world we inhabit, too. Come to think of it,
did He not show a lot of creativity and imagination?
Indeed, we could make this world a better place to live in if,
accepting ourselves as He created us, we could only use the talents
He gave us to look after and develop the way we live our own lives,
instead of wishing to change those around us. Each year in Lourdes
the many sick put the "well" to shame by their courage
and cheerfulness and prayer.
During my time in Washington I was privileged each year to give
the opening prayer at a ceremony at which young people from all
over the U.S. and beyond were presented with awards for how they
coped with what the world would call 'handicaps', and had done
extraordinary work to contribute to making their communities better
places in which to live. The awards were presented by men and
women who themselves had achieved greatness by sheer dedication,
such as Olympic champions, astronauts, world leaders.
Wouldn't it be great if each of us could recognise in ourselves,
and others, God's handiwork and plan. God wants each one of us
to leave this world a better place because we have lived. We begin
that work right where we find ourselves at this moment!
The One-Sentence Sermon:
Give God what is right, not what is left.
Don't wait for six strong men to take you to church
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On Wednesday last we had an interesting meeting of the Core Group
of the Parish Pastoral Council.
Among matters discussed was the need for deepening the active
participation of all parishioners in the daily life of our parish.
This is the time of year when we take a look at renewing membership
of the ministries of the parish. At the moment we have Ministers
of the Eucharist and of the Word (Readers).
We will need new members and they will require preparation, which
we plan to provide. So, if you would like to be a Minister of
the Eucharist or of the Word we welcome you to give in your name.
We would like them to be representative of various age groups
and areas in the parish. When the renewal is completed we hope
to make Holy Communion available to the housebound who would wish
to be visited after Mass each Sunday. If you would like to volunteer
for either of these ministries just hand in your name at the sacristy
in any of the three churches, or to either of the priests
These are not the only Ministries in the post-Vatican II Church.
Others will be considered in the months ahead. With the availability
of so many Masses and modern transport it was felt that it is
now more difficult to make our weekend Mass the coming together
of the local worshipping community. With the increasing shortage
of priests it will be vital to train lay people to play a more
active role in the worshipping life of the parish. It is both
a challenge and an opportunity. It demands a deeper understanding
of what each received at Baptism.
Think About It
Don't let your parents down,
they brought you up.
Be humble enough to obey,
You may give orders some day.
Chose your companions with care,
You become what they are.
Guard your thoughts, what you think
Is what you are.
Be master of your habits
or they will master you.
Pay attention when you drive,
Drive safely and arrive.
Resist pressure, stand up,
Or you'll fall for anything.
Keep God in your life,
He is always there for you.
for Vocations
our Father, send workers into your harvest. May the Spirit we
received in Baptism touch the hearts of many to offer themselves
in priesthood, religious life, and other forms of service. Give
the parents and families of our parish, the wisdom and courage
to support young people, in searching for and following the call
of God in their lives