
If life is going wrong
And you feel like you have no friends
Think of Mary Ward
And what she had to go through instead

It makes your problems seem so small
And hers so wide and big
Although she died she had her friends
And they helped here even after the end

Count your blessings big or small
How luck we are to have
One friend
One life
One chance
At all
These things will count in the end

By E. Beecher St Fintans

I listened !

I listened and heard God speak to me
I listened to his deep dream for me
The desire in my heart to respond grew strong
As he told me to help put
Right whats gone wrong

I listened and heard God speak to me
I listened to his deep dream for me
The desire in my heart to respond grew strong
As he told me women in time
would do great things
And I knew it wouldn't take long

By A. Broderick St. Fintans

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