- Ring Worm In every area there was usually a couple of people who
had the cure. The patient would be brought to him, he would draw a circle
around the affected part and pray for a few days and then the rash would clear.
- Warts There are still people who have this cure. A person with warts
just visits the healer and in a few days the warts disappear.Another cure
is to wrap a slug around the wart and then hang the slug on a thorn bush.The
wart will soom disappear.A third cure is to get nine rushes and bury them
in the ground. When the rushes fade the warts disappear.
- Sprains There are still people who can heal sprains by prayer and
the making of a thread, which is worn around the sprained part.
- Burns A special ointment known only to the person who prepares it
is made up. It is made of herbs and oil. It always works and if used in time
there will be no scars left.
- Kidney Infections This cure is also made by healers. It is a liquid
produced by boiling the roots of certain plants. It tastes horrible but it
does cure the complaint.
- Sty (Infections at corner of eye) Point the thorn of a gooseberry
plant at the sty and say "In The name of the Father and of the Son and
of the Holy Spirit" three times then throw it over your right shoulder
and in a day or two the sty will disappear. .
Heart Fever. Fill a cup with oatmeal and pray. While the prayer is being said
a hollow will come in the cup of oatmeal assuring the patient that the cure
is successful.
- Infections. Placing a fox's tongue on the infected part could draw
out the poison and it would draw out the cause of infection. (The tongue would
be preserved in vinegar.)
- Sting: When you get stung by a nettle it can be cured by putting
a dock leaf on the burn. Sore eye: Put a teabag on a sore eye.