Coyle's Coaches,
here you will find information about our company and the various
services that we can provide. Our company is commited to customer
satisfaction and therefore we strive to not only meet but exceed
our customers expectations. We would like to be of assistance to
you with your travel requirements, so please feel free to contact
us for more information or a no obligation quotation.
Martin Coyle
Transport Manager

dtí an suíomh seo do Bhusanna Mhic Giolla Choill. Ár mbuíochas
ar son cuairt a thabhairt orainn anseo an áit a bhfuil gach eolas
le fáil a bhaineas lenár gcomhlacht agus na seirbhísí gur féidir
linn a chuir ar fáil.
Tá sé do phríomh aidhm againn caighdeán ard seirbhíse a chuir
ar fáil d'ár gcustaiméirí, sa dóigh is go mbeidh siad thar a bheith
sásta. Más rud é go dtig linn cuidiú leatsa le do chuid riachtainisí
taisteal, bheadh luchair orainn cloisteáil uait le tuilleadh eolais
a thabhairt duit.
Máirtín Mac Giolla Choill
Bainisteoir Taistil
Volvo B10M - Plaxton
53 Reclining Seats,
Aircraft Lockers, Radio/Cassette & PA System. |