The Early Explorers

Evaluating Group Co-operation



Score1    Beginning

Score2 Developing

Score3     Developed

Score 4    Excellent

1. Group Participation Most group members are off task. At least half of group are participating. Most group members are actively participating. All students are enthusiastically participating.
2. Shared Responsibility Group relies on one person. Responsibility is shared by a few group members. Responsibility is shared by most group members. Responsibility is shared evenly.
3. Quality of Interaction Little interaction; some students were disinterested or distracted. Some interaction; some attentive listening; some evidence of discussion. Interaction present; with lively, relevant discussion and evidence of good listening. Excellent interaction and listening skills; group discussions reflect an awareness of others' views and opinions.
4. Roles Within Group No effort made to assign roles to group members. Roles assigned but not clearly defined and not always adhered to. Roles assigned and fairly clearly defined but not consistently adhered to. Each group member assigned a clearly defined role and these are performed effectively.

0 - 4   Beginning

4 - 8 Developing

8 - 12  Developed

12 - 16 Excellent

Total Score:


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 The Early Explorers

Evaluating Individual Contribution



Score 1      Beginning

Score 2 Developing

    Score 3 Developed

Score 4 Excellent


1. Researched information.

Collected no information.

Collected very little information.

Collected some information.

Collected a great deal of useful information.


2. Shared information.

Shared no information with team.

Shared very little information with team.

Shared some information with team.

Shared a great deal of useful information with team.


3. Completed task.

Relied on others to do the work.

Sometimes did work but needed reminders.

Usually did  work without being reminded.

Always did work without reminders.


4. Participated.

Did not share ideas.

Gave too little information or information that did not help the project.

Shared some useful information and ideas.

Shared a lot of useful information and ideas with the group.


5. Listened to others.

Talked a lot. Caused a distraction and did not listen to group.

Listened some of the time and showed some interest in what group said but usually talked too much.

Usually listened to the others and showed an interest in what was said.  Didn't really talk too much.

Always listened to the others on team and talked a fair amount.


6. Co-operated.

Usually argued with team.

Sometimes argued with team.

Rarely argued.

Never argued with team.


7. Made fair decisions.

Always wanted own way.

Didn't always listen and often took the side of friends.

Tried to listen to and consider all views.

Always helped the team reach a fair decision.


8. Showed respect.

Never respected and encouraged the ideas of others

Sometimes respected and encouraged others.

Usually respected and encouraged others.

Showed respect and encouraged all members of team.

0 - 8   Beginning

8 - 16 Developing

16 - 24  Developed

24 - 32 Excellent

Total Score:




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The Early Explorers

Evaluating The Team Research Process



Score1     Beginning

Score2 Developing

Score3      Developed

Score 4    Excellent


1a. Gathering Information Finds it difficult to stay on task. Wastes time.  Selects inappropriate information. Stays on task. Selects some appropriate and useful information. Stays on task. Shows ability to gather and select appropriate and useful information. Stays on task.  Selects information with clear criteria in mind.


1b. Using IT Skills to gather information Finds it difficult to search for information using the prepared webquest URLS and CDRoms. Shows some ability to use the prepared webquest URLS and CDRoms to search for information. Shows ability to use the prepared webquest URLS and CDRoms to search for information. Shows confidence in use of the webquest URLS, appropriate search engines and CDRoms to search for information.


2a. Organising Information


Shows little skill.  Is unable to approach the task logically. Shows some skill and shows some logic in the approach. Is able to organise the information logically. Organises the information logically and thoughtfully.


2b. Using IT skills to organise information. Shows little skill. Is unable to download or cut and paste. Shows some skill.  Attempts to download, cut and paste and save. Is able to download, cut and paste and save. Shows confidence in downloading, cutting and pasting and saving.


3. Using Information Shows little purpose for data gathering. Shows some purpose for data gathering. Draws some conclusions from data and attempts to write in "own words". Shows high level of skill in drawing conclusions and manipulating data.


0 - 5  Beginning

5 - 10 Developing

10 - 15  Developed

15 - 20 Excellent

Total Score:


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The Early Explorers

Evaluating The Project as a Whole


Subject Area and Statement

Score1     Beginning

Score2 Developing

Score3      Developed

Score 4    Excellent


Content and Research:  Questioning, gathering, organising and using information to solve a problem.

Research is incomplete, inaccurate or not in own words. Good effort but research is incomplete, inaccurate or not in own words. Clear, concise research done accurately and in own words. Excellent, in-depth research and attention to detail. 
Gathers and selects little useful information. Gathers and selects some useful information. Gathers and selects useful information. Gathers and selects high quality information.
Lacks evidence of resource use. Uses and cites a few different resources. Uses and cites appropriate resources. Uses and cites a wide variety of relevant resources.
Little evidence of organising information.  Organises some information in a logical manner. Organises most information in a logical manner. Organises information in a thoughtful and logical manner.
Demonstrates little understanding and knowledge of The Early Explorers. Demonstrates some understanding and knowledge of The Early Explorers. Demonstrates understanding and knowledge of The Early Explorers. Demonstrates some an in-depth understanding and knowledge of The Early Explorers.
2.  English, Visual Arts and IT

Appearance of finished book:  Quality of language, conventions, creativity, visuals and organisation.

Spelling, grammar and convention errors distract reader. Spelling, grammar and convention errors may distract reader. Most spelling, grammar and conventions are correct. Spelling, grammar and conventions are correct.
Lacks organisation. Too many fonts, colours, sizes or styles. Somewhat organised. Too many fonts, colours, sizes and styles. Shows organisation.  Some attention to detail.  Font and colour use is appropriate. Clearly organised.  Font and colour use is attractive and does not distract.
Information is not very clear, may confuse reader. Some information is clear. Most information is clear. Information is clearly stated.
Some graphics.  Very little connection between graphics and content. Graphics may not be carefully chosen. Some enhance content. Graphics are appropriate. Too few or too many are used. Graphics are carefully chosen. They enhance and support the content
3. SPHE:

Participation, respectful and helpful attitude, use of time, ability to follow directions.

Little evidence of co-operation between team members. Some evidence of co-operation between team members. Evidence of co-operation between team members.  Most of the team did their share and took turns most of the time. Active co-operation between team members.  Team worked well together.  Everyone did their share and all took turns.
Team seldom showed helpful, respectful attitude. Team sometimes showed helpful, respectful attitude. Team showed helpful, respectful attitude most of the time. Team showed helpful, respectful attitude at all times.
Team had difficulty staying on task. Team sometimes stayed on task. Team stayed on task most of the time. Team stayed on task and used time well.
Team had difficulty following directions. Some directions followed. Most directions were followed carefully. All directions were followed carefully.
Team were careful to work quietly and not disturb the work of the other groups. Team were careful to work quietly and not disturb the work of the other groups most of the time. Team were careful to work quietly and not disturb the work of the other groups some of the time. Team seldom worked quietly and disturbed the work of the other groups.

0 - 14   Beginning

14 - 28 Developing

28 - 42  Developed

42 - 56 Excellent

Total Score:


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