
Common name of several species of carnivorous, freshwater fishes characterized by elongated bodies and bill-like snouts. The best-known member is the northern pike, which grows to about 1.4 m (4.5 ft) and ranges through northern latitudes of North America, Europe, and Asia. The closely-related muskellunge (called muskie by anglers), a larger sport fish, is found in the north-eastern United States and south-eastern Canada. The smaller chain pickerel, which grows to about 60 cm (2 ft), also ranges into the south-eastern United States.

Pike are small-scaled fishes with many bones and large, sharp-toothed jaws. Their silver undersides and dark green or bronze backs help to conceal them in the weeds in which they lie in wait for fish, frogs, and small mammals. Their dorsal and anal fins are of equal size and are set far back towards the tail. Pike are solitary hunters that neither make nests nor tend eggs; instead, they scatter their eggs in weeds, where the newly hatched fry find protection. The so-called walleyed pike are not true pike but members of the perch family.

Scientific classification: Pikes belong to the family Esocidae. The northern pike is classified as Esox lucius, the chain pickerel as Esox niger.