The Power of Money


Money - Money is any medium of exchange that is widely accepted in payment for goods and services and in settlement of debts .

The possession of money has become the ultimate goal of many people. They believe that they will not be deemed successful in life unless they have accumulated vast amounts of cash. Money has become the focus of their existence. We live in a culture where people spend most of their lives working or travelling to work in order to earn money. Money dictates peoples lives and controls how they spend their time. Our obsession with the possession of money influences every aspect of our lives.

Money also affects our relationships. It is said to be the most frequent cause of conflict between spouses. It is easy to see how the constant pressure caused by scrimping and saving to pay for the families needs could raise the level of tension and anxiety in a household. When people concentrate solely on the pursuit of wealth then they do not have the time or energy to devote to maintaining close relations. As a result the family unit suffers.

Money is essential for the basic needs of humans. Food , water and shelter can be bought and sold. Everything has its price and this rule is adhered to strictly even at the expense of lives. The world has even more than enough resources to feed and cloth all its inhabitants yet millions of people die annually as a result of poverty. Money has the power to obtain all the luxuries that people crave, and in a rush to satisfy these needs the poor are left with nothing!