Family Relationships

Acknowledgements & Thanks


We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of those students who took the time to answer our questionnaires - both our partner schools in Ireland and abroad and St. Colman's College in Claremorris for their generous cooperation. We would also like to thank the teachers from the various schools - again in particular Ms Yvonne Horkan and Mr Pat Keane. Thank you to Seamus Fay from the European Studies office who as always was ready with help and advice.

We found this particular project very interesting and very hard work. For the Joint Report each student in the European Studies Class had responsibility for collating all the information in relation to one question - although we decided to omit it from the final report each student in fact analysed each question on a national basis as well as in the overall context.

We hope you will find our Report interesting and revealing and we would very much welcome your comments either

By Email

or on our

Message Board


Thank You!

European Studies Class 2000/01