Pan European Survey

The Young Europeans
Aspect of the Survey: The Environment


City / Town; Male Female Age Group
Country;     15-17 18-20

Questioning Attitudes at Home:

1 How many cars does your family have?

 0  1  2  More than 2

2 How do you travel to school?

 Walk  Cycle  Bus  Train  Car  Moped

3 How do your parents travel to work?

 Walk  Cycle  Bus  Train  Car  Moped

4. Which do yo use to heat your house?

 Central/Electrical Heating  Natural Gas


Wood Fire

 Solar Panels

 Other - Please



5. Does your family recycle:

   Yes  No
 Plastic Bags    

6 On a scale of 1 - 10 how 'Environmentally aware' do you feel your family is?

(1 = very aware up to 10 = not aware at all)

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Questioning Attitudes on a Wider Scale:

7 On a scale of 1 - 10 how 'Environmentally aware' do you feel your country is?

(1 = very aware up to 10 = not aware at all)

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

8 Do you feel that your local Council does enough for the environment?

 Yes  No

9 How often is your dust-bin emptied by your local Council

 Twice a week  Weekly  Every 2 weeks  Every 3 weeks  Monthly  Less than once a month

10 What is the frequency of public litter bins in your region (consider both the urban and rural areas)

 Insufficient  Adequate  More than Adequate

11 If you live in a coastal area, how often is your water cleaned or checked for oil?

 Every 6 months  Annually  Every 2 years  Every 3 years  Do not know

12 Which does your local store use?

 Plastic Bags  Paper Bags  Other (specify)

13 Is there any local recycling schemes or environmental programmes in your region?

 Yes  No

14 In the school, is there a specific bin for:

 Cans Paper Cardboard Crisp Packets Other (Specify)

15 Are there cycle lanes provided on your way to school?

 Yes  No

16 Do you feel that there is enough information given in the following ares of your life,

on the cause and the effects of pollution on the environment?

  Yes   No
 The Media    
 Cities (posters) etc    
 Parent(s) / Family members    

The European Studies Class 2000 /01, Our Lady's Grammar School Newry, Ireland, designed this questionnaire. Thank you for completing the Questionnaire.

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