In November 1941 plans were made to improve the armament of the Pz Kpfw IV by installing a long-barrelled 75mm KwK.This change was to have taken place with the Ausf G.Because of the superiority of the Russian KV-1 and T-34 an order was issued to mount the 75mm KwK40 as quickly as possible.This resulted in the loss of a month's production in March 1942 , and the Ausf F series was completed with the 75mm KwK40 L/43 and was designated Ausf F2. The differences between the Ausf F and F2 related largely but not entirely to the introduction of the new gun.Ammunition storage was modified to stow the larger rounds , the amount of ammunition carried was increased and the gunner's and commander's seats were changed to allow more room.The elevation mechanism was modified and an auxiliary hand traverse was installed for the loader.Because of the long barrel a coi-spring counter-balance was installed for the 75mm KwK40. While some Ausf F2 were issued to several newly formed tank detachments and were given to the motorized infantry divisions , the majority went to the front line units to replace losses.This provided a Pz Kpfw which was superior to the Russian , British and American armour used at the fronts in the summer of 1942.