Casting for 2003/2004 Programme

Following on the success of "Agnes of God". La Cosa Nostra has lined up a wonderfully exciting, varied and ambitious programme for the coming year, with no less than four new productions.

We begin our Autumn season 2003 with "Eleemosynary" by Lee Blessing which runs throughout the month of October2003.
Casting is open until Sat.August 30th.for the role of Dorothea.

Our next fare is uniquely a double Winter Season by top British Playwright John Godber. "Bouncers" and "Shakers" Both of these shows will tour during the months of March and April 2004.

After a Summer break the company is back in full swing for their most energetic and ambitious production of "Equus" by Peter Shaffer which will tour during the month of September 2004.

Casting for these productions will take place at times outlined below. La Cosa Nostra is a dynamic new Company located in Munster Southern Ireland. Our approach to productions is unique in it's strong commitment to narrative and the emotive elements of script, coupled with a strong visual style.

Since the company receives no Arts Council or Local Authority Grants we depend completely on friends and private sponshorship. At present we operate on a profit share basis for each particular production. If you are interested in joining as a friend, sponsor or company production member. Please e mail

If you are interested in auditioning for a part in any of our upcoming productions please e mail

Actors, Technicians, Writers, interested in putting their C.V. on file, should contact:

La Cosa Nostra
Cottage No.5
Co. Limerick

All other enquiries should be sent through our regular e mail:


Performed by only four actors, the roles are demanding, to say the least. Each of the four actors plays the part of a bouncer who in turn depicts other young men and women, as the situation demands. The roles-within-the-role vary from lager-lout to nightclub tart.
From an actor's perspective, one of the most difficult aspects of the part comes late in the play when a switch has to be made from the very drunk lager-lout back to a bouncer. Even when acting, the body seems to take a while to sober up

Casting Calls for this production will take place during the 3rd. and 4th. weeks of January 2004

Cast required 4 Males

Age Range 22yrs - 45yrs approx.

Please check this Site during the next few month for updates and further details. Or contact us at the address or e mail listed above.

With "Shakers ", we are given a wickedly funny glimpse of this world, given by four long suffering waitresses, giving a fascinating view of the reality that lurks behind the plastic palms and pina coladas.

Casting Calls for this production will take place during the 3rd. and 4th. weeks of January 2004

Cast required 4 Female Actors

Age Range 19yrs - 35yrs approx.

Please check this Site during the next few month for updates and further details. Or contact us at the address or e mail listed above.



A 17 year-old boy, Alan, is brought to a psychiatric hospital because he has blinded several horses with a hoof pick. A psychiatrist, Dysart, works to "normalize" the boy, all the while feeling that though he makes the boy 'safe' for society, he is taking away from him his worship and sexual vitality--both of which are missing in the doctor's own personal life. He actually envies Alan the sexual worship he has experienced.
The play is built wonderfully around symbolic use of masks and staging.

Casting Calls for this production will take place during the 3rd. and 4th. weeks of January 2004

Cast required 6 Males and 4 Females

Dance/ Mime experience an advantage

Live Musicians also required for Production

Age Range: Various

Please check this Site during the next few months for updates and further details. Or contact us at the address or e mail listed above.