The Goleen & District Community Council

1. Infrastructure
1.1 Roads
1.11 The R591/592 road from Toormore needs upgrading
1.12 The road from Goleen (Kilmoe Church Cross) to Mizen Cross needs to be widened to accommodate white-lining
1.13 There are many improvements, repairs, surfacing, widening and developments needed in the area. These are marked on an accompanying map.
1.2 Safety
1.21 The road junctions throughout the parish need to be marked with junction signs, Cul de sac signs and lines to show right of way.
1.22 Car parking in Goleen and at the beaches (particularly Ballyrisode) has to be planned and developed.
1.23 The number of lay-byes in the area must be increased at points of particular interest or beauty.
1.24 Footpaths have to be laid round Goleen village
1.25 School exits have to be organised in a safer way
1.26 Footpaths are needed from Crookhaven and from Barleycove to the Barleycove Holiday Park
1.3 Housing
1.31 Public Housing in Goleen and Crookhaven should be a priority for the County Council. Public Housing is occupied by full-time residents who use all the local facilities such as schools and shops.
1.32 The County Council must purchase adequate land in the area to accommodate serviced sites as well as public housing to create affordable housing for full time residents.
1.33 Use of the area for letting properties and second home owners should conform to planned development.
1.4 Education
1.41 The future of the two national schools must be safeguarded.
1.42 The future of Schull Community College must be safeguarded
1.43 The development of the third level facility in Skibbereen must be encouraged
1.44 The development of a field station for UCC at Mizen Vision! is planned
1.5 Healthcare
1.51 The future of the Clinic must be safeguarded.
1.52 The appointment of a doctor to the area must be safeguarded
1.53 The future of Bantry Hospital and the ambulance service must be safeguarded
1.54 The future of Schull Hospital and the retirement homes in Goleen must be safeguarded.
1.6 Water
1.61 A full study of the water requirements for the whole area now and in the foreseeable future from Lowertown west should be commissioned so that the needs can be delivered most efficiently.
1.62 A partnership between private enterprise and the County Council for the immediate development of sufficient services should be considered.
1.63 Increase the size of the reservoirs at Goleen and Crookhaven.
1.64 Increase the size of the bore of the pipe from the waterworks to the village.
1.65 Bore a well or series of wells to cater for the new development. The effect of this on the water table for the whole area will have to be surveyed.
1.66 There should be a realistic levy on planning permissions that require public services.
1.7 Sewage
1.71 A full study of the water requirements for the whole area now and in the foreseeable future from Lowertown west should be commissioned so that the needs can be delivered most efficiently.
1.72 A partnership between private enterprise and the County Council for the immediate development of sufficient services should be considered
1.73 Goleen
-The stream running from Knocknamadree and the tidal harbour are natural amenities of the area which have to be protected from pollution.
-The present system of putting the sewage through a septic tank with the effluent going into the sea at the mouth of the harbour will not be suitable for more users.
-In the near future an integrated sewage treatment plant is needed for the whole village which has the capacity for future developments.
1.72 A plan for sewage disposal has to be developed for the whole parish.
1.73 The water table has to be protected from effluent from all sources including agriculture
1.74 There should be a realistic levy on planning permissions that require public services
1.8 Lighting
1.81 Public lighting should keep pace with development in all centres of population Lowertown, Toormore, Goleen, Crookhaven
1.9 Energy
1.91 Alternative sources of energy – wind, solar, wave or other- should be found for the future supply of the parish.
1.10 Telecommunications
1.101 Public phones should be provided in all areas of population
1.102 Immediate improvement of the cell cover of ESAT and EIRCOM in the west of the parish should be provided.
1.103 For the future, wireless telecommunications should be encouraged in the area to eliminate telegraph poles and lines.
1.11 Transport
1.111 The bus service to the parish should be maintained.
1.12 Traffic Management
1.121 Traffic has to be managed through the area . Tourist traffic to be encouraged to travel through the area in a clockwise ring ie. from Lowertown – Toormore – Goleen – Crookhaven – Mizen/Barleycove – Coast Road – Dunmanus – Dunbeacon.
1.122 As Mizen Vision! draws more visitors a supplementary Park and Ride site should be developed – perhaps at Carrigmanus or as far back at Toormore
1.123 Traffic congestion in Goleen and Crookhaven in the summer months should be alleviated with supplementary car parks. Car parking can be provided in a field perhaps.
1.13 Public Toilets
1.131 Toilets should be provided in Goleen, Crookhaven and Toormore
1.14 Rubbish Disposal and Litter Control
1.141 A strategy for rubbish disposal in Goleen parish should be formulated.
1.142 There is a peak during the summer when rubbish increases tangentially. There should be a system to cope with this with an increased collection – private if necessary.
1.143 Sorting of rubbish should be organised in the home with an extension of recycling to plastic, paper, aluminium, glass, tin, food etc. in conjunction with the County Council.
1.144 Animal slurry disposal should form part of the strategy to protect watercourses.
1.145 The area should strive to achieve the standards required for the Tidy Towns competition, all the time.
1.146 Litter control should be in force for locals and visitors alike.