
Otters Bog
Leslie Est,
Tel. (00353) 47 88383 / Email eileenfneal@tinet.ie
Website http://homepage.tinet.ie/~ottersbog
Born Edinburgh 1963
Duncan of jordanstone College of Art Dundee - 1982 - 1986 - B.A. Hons Fine Art.
University of Ulster At Belfast - 1987 - 1988 - M.A.Fine Art.
One Person Exhibitions.
1997 New Works The Dolmen Gallery, Limerick.
1993 Observations From The Periphery, The Arts Council Gallery, Belfast.
1991 New Works Temple Bar Gallery, Dublin.
Selected Group Exhibitions
1998 The Vanguard Gallery, Macroon.
Rolling Devolution Scottish-Irish Contemporary Art, Clotworthy Art Centre,
Antrim, Basement Gallery, Dundalk, Market House Gallery, Monaghan.
Sligo Art Gallery, Sligo.
1997 Year of Ireland Exhibition Kennesaw State College Georgia U.S.A.
Burgwedel Exhibition, Germany.
Rolling Devolution Exhibition Scottish-Irish Contemporary Art Exhibition.
1996 New Works The Dyehouse Gallery, Waterford.
Iontas Sligo Art Gallery, (touring)
1995 New Works, Monaghan Museum Gallery,
New Works, Omagh Arts Festival.
1993 Heartland Seabound, Sligo Art Gallery.
1992 High Plains, Market House Gallery Monaghan.
Iontas Sligo Art Gallery.
1991 Sights or Sanctuaries, Drochied Art Centre, Drogheda.
Ten Years Annaghmakerig, Tyrone Guthrie Centre.
1990 The Claremorris Open, Claremorris.
Sights or Sanctuaries, The Cootehill Arts Festival.
1988 The Art Show Dublin.
The Claremorris Open, Claremorris.
Gauge A Wedge. The Slaughter House Gallery, London.
Gauge A Wedge, The Richard Demarco Gallery, Edinburgh.
1987 The Smith Biennale, The Smith Gallery, Stirling.
1986 The Aberdeeb Art Society Shell Open, Aberdeen.
1997 Aer Lingus Travel Award, New York.
Department of Foreign Affairs Grant, New York/Atlanta.
1991 Aer Lingus Travel Award, Chicago.
1990 Arts Council of Ireland Fine Art Bursary.
1998 Office of Public Works % Scheme, Former Garda Barracks Monaghan.
1992 Artist in Residence St. Michaels Junior School (Schools Scheme)
1991 Artist in Residence Inver College Carrickmacross (Schools Scheme)
1991 Artist in Residence Rancho Linda Vista Tuscan, Arizona.
1989 Artist in Residence Tyrone Guthrie Centre at Annaghamakerig.
Tyrone Guthrie Centre.
Arts Council of Northern Ireland
Monaghan V.E.C.
Office of Public Works.
Aidan Dunne Sunday Tribune 1991
Ian Hill Irish Times 1993
Brian McAvera Irish Times 1991