ATOPEEK ( a-toe-peek ) 2nd Planet Atopar System
Atopeek is a planet noted mainly for its roving forests. It has ocean coverage across 72% of its surface. It has three continents, one of these is sparcley populated as it is within the planets artic zone. The other two are smaller and support most the planets life. The forests for which Atopeek is famed consist of 60 meter high "trees" which are capable of rapid movement ( approx 15km ). The forests migrate from coastal regions to highland regions during the rain seasons which come five times a year ( 1yr = 243 days ). Herds of animal life move the opposite direction, those too weak to make the regular journey fall into the path of the forest and are crushed and absorbed by the forest. Several small settlements exist on islands around the two inhabitable continents.
The famed trees ( real name kerapals ) exhibit low animal intelligence and observations have suggested that the kerapals have a type of high mind, i.e. the larger the threat they face the more intelligent their actions.
The Coastal villages which number approx. 48 are built in large caves which are numerous along the coastal areas of both habitable continents. Other caves form large networks and are a valuable transport link between settlements when Kerapal migration is in progress. The Deeper caves have never been expored and the superstitious PL5 settlers do not venture deep into them.
The settlers make a living from the Sea because venturing overland is to dangrous at any time. Apart from the Kerapal their are unusual preditors and scavangers. The most intelligent preditor on Atopeek is the Sharoth, a quadroped hunter of extremely high intelligence and cunning. They hunt in groups and have powerful jaws ans claws for tackling prey. Their rapid speed makes them a threat to any traveller on foot.
The Most unusual Scavenger is the Skorl. This monsterous ball like creature is 130 meters in diameter and moves by rolling along. It feeds by absorbing debris into its soft structure and digesting it. The Skorl follow the kerapals paths picking up animal life they discard ( which is not much ) and dead Kerapal. They have a symbiotic relationship with the kerapal, they rely in them for food and in turn the digested kerapal dead release seeds which the Skorl cannot digest and instead scatter.