My God Jim! Its Ginormous..I mean F**KING HUGE!
The WEB SITE GARAGE This is a free service for tuning up your web page. Go here, enter your homepage address and they will give you a report in a very short time telling you how Lovely / Crap different aspects of your site are.
Web Novice Starting to design your own site? This site has lots of usseful advice.
DEVHEADS html This is a great place for tutorials on getting your html skills up to speed.
DHTML zone Great advice ,examples and downloadable code for those who want to get in this excitng language.
Ultimate guide to creating your Homepage Very good site covering a wide range of topics including banners and making some cash off the web.
DeskTop Starships Amazing origional 3D art covering Startrek, Starwars and general sci-fi. Top notch.
Virtual Toke Very funny postcards service.
Moving wall papers Download moving wall papers as .class files for your Active Desktop.
The LOWER REALM A site that I visit on a regular basis. It has great layout , grafix and even a sound track. Its gothicesque content is carried into its galleries and its links to role playing pages are excellent. Highly recommended!!!
SETI Here is your chance to help in SETI (search for extra terrestrial intelligence). At this Berkeley site you can download a screen saver program that searches radio siganls recieved from the Aricibo Dish in Puerto Rico. Simply download it and configure it. The program will contact SETI via the internet and download data for examination. Simple to use and a must for every science and sci-fi fan!
Metastream Download the excellent Metastream web plug-in which allows the viewing of 3D grafix online with impressive speed. Their site also has advice for developers on posting 3D online content.
Cool Text This is an online service that allows you to generate custom buttons, logos and bullets. Well worth a look plus some of the adverts they carry are actually useful.
Gamers Inn Shareware, freeware and Commercial Demos. Enough free stuff with no strings to keep you comming back.
Eric Games compendium A huge list of free and pay games available on-line.
Home of the UNDERDOGS A site with tons of Abandon ware, games that no longer jhave copyright protection ub der the law. Tons of games, many of which are worth a download ass its free.
The 3D Studio Collection of Mats for 3D graphics. many are a bit large if you hav a slow conection.
Sven Stationary help This site has Stationary for Outlook etc to download which is really good. Also advice on making your own.
Hampster Dance River dance with a rodent flavor. My brother sent me this one.
Farting in Cyberspace Facinating site this, deals entirely with nether region noise ( if you know what I mean ). You can down load farts in Wav format and give a whole new meaning to "Windows noises".
The Death Clock I know I will live forever but I'm not to sure about you. Find out how long you got left before you shuffel off this mortal coil.
Is you Browser Sober? See how scuttered your browser is at this origional site.
Disinfo Nation Site for the late night TV show about secret goings on etc, if you like grassy knols you will love this place.
Nose Pickers Page Nose Pickers paradise. Snot bad at all!
On line Sherlock Holmes Based around the fictional detective this site is about services on the web to help you snoop people out. Elementry.
Assassin Slaughter celebs in hilarious style with this FLASH site (needs the plug in).
Mr.Gates Realtime Wealth Counter How rich is your favourite Megalomaniac getting.
BERT IS EVIL I always suspected but now the truth is out.
AD&D LINKS A useful compendium of links.
TSRs Alternity The Official Alternity site from TSR with fast play rules to download.
Regent of DUNE An online rpg based about the DUNE universe. Fans only I think as its quite in deapth.
Erics Guide to Rpgs on the net There are a stack of games you can play online here (rpgs), mainly via telnet and MUDS etc,. Although it is a very good resourse mush of the sites it links to do not make it easy to join up, even if they are free.
Utopia Huge (and free) on-line war game in the fantasy vein.