This section will contain information on computer related topics. I have yet to fill it out so suggestions wouild be appreciated ( e-mail at the bridge section ).
Okey, first things first. I am a
programmer specialising in retail application ( barcoding etc ).
I got interested in the net and am self thought in most of what
you see on this site. The grafix are created using 3D Max studio
rel.2 This is something which I am only just starting ( as you
can tell from the quality of the pics ). As I get better so will
the content of the site. The normal grafix are done in MS Paint
and touched up and converted into jpeg format using Photo
Impression, a program that came free with a printer ( which was
free , with a computer I paid through the nose for ).
Well I recommend 3D Max from Kinetix, it is expensive, but these things are not toys you know. Then purchase 3DMax fundamentals published by New Riders, this will give you the hands on knowladge of the tools used to create 3D images. Then there are Vols 1,2 and 3 of 3DMax from New Riders. These are more advanced and deal with rendering, models , cinimatics and animations. All of this is a bit on the costly side, about £50 per book. But you may take comfort from the fact that all the grafix from this site were rendered using only the first Fundamentals book, some basic shapes and materials plus some imagination. On the plus side the last three books Vols 1,2 and 3 are available as a pack, 1 in bound and 2 and 3 on CD with a resourse kit. This is the 3DMax resource kit and retails for about half the price of all three vols in bound format.