Starcraft is an intense strategy game packed with thrills. Units are very detailed and storyline is good too. Although similar to C&C which it is but only its better. It has a new interface and you have 3 races to play meaning you have to develop your own strategies for each race. Like most strategy games modem play is available but if you have access to the internet you can go to "" where you can join a league or ladder where you compete with people around the world!. Starcraft contains a lot of maps and a campaign editor is supplied. This is a must for all strategy lovers.

Terrans are very powerful and they are very quick. Their technology is very advanced and they have military soldier units.
The Protoss possess powerful psionic abilities, and in combat they use these powers to form weapons and shields composed of pure energy. They also use highly advanced robotic drones to make up for their lack of numbers.

The Zerg actually encompass a multitude of bio-engineered creatures, designed for maximum killing efficiency. Their hives are also living creatures which slowly infest any area the Zerg inhabit with "the Creep", a thick blanket of organic matter.

If you have access to the internet and you want the latest info on the game you can go to Blizzard's Homepage.

Here are some screen shots from the game:

They look good, dont they? Its a really good game and I really recommend it. You need a bit of practice to play the computer in custom game but once you start playing you wont stop! I'll soon update this section with more screen shots

Each race has its own pros and cons:
Pros and Cons
Terrans Protoss Zerg
Fast Slowest Fastest
Strong units and machinery Powerful units because they have shields Units are not very strong but they multiply in numbers very quickly-3times faster building rate than Terran and 6times faster than Protoss
Vulnerable against early attacks Quite good for early attacks Similar to terrans- vulnerable to early attacks
Weak planes Strong planes but quite slow Strong planes
Very strong ground units e.g. tanks and vultures Very strong but slow ground units i.e. reaver Strong ground units i.e Ultralisks
That is a brief overview of the pros and cons of the races. Its just to give you an idea of how strong the races are.

As I said earlier you need to develop your own strategies for each individual race. For those who require help for using Terran read below:

Terrans- They are basically the most powerful race of the three if you use them correctly. Their soldiers are known as marines and firebats. It is always a good idea to group your people( 10 or so). That way you stand a better chance in the game. In any battle you must use marines because they are very effective in a group and they can take out air-units as well. If you are fighting the Protoss it is best to use marines instead of firebats. This is because they're faster to make but cheaper. When you are playing against the Protoss you must quickly build up an army/armies in groups and put them at the entrance to your base. Although you build faster than the Protoss does they can easily overpower you with a few Zealots(equivalent to marines). Do not let them build planes as its most likely you will lose unless you have a lot of minerals and can afford missile turrets. This means you have to build quick and use the "early rush" tactic. This means build around 10 scvs and then build barracks and depot. Make men and build another barracks. Then build more depots and just keep pumping men out until you have at least 2 groups. Only then should you attack the Protoss. You can also build bunkers if you want. Note This strategy works on computer only.• Also, try to get Spider Mines early. Mine the area in front of them and keep them boxed in. Try to siege them with Tanks and Marines before they get Shuttles. Expect Shuttle drops on your SCVs if they do. Expand while you have them at a disadvantage. Use Tanks in a spread out manner so that if they run at you with Zealots they will likely lose them all while you'll only lose a tank or two. Later in the game use EMP Shockwave every time you attack the Protoss, especially if there are Archons around. Don't forget to use it on their Templars to waste their energy. Use EMP to spot hallucinations. • Use Irradiate on Templars and Zealots and use irradiate on burrowed units to kill them sneakily.
To fight against the Zerg you need firebats . You dont need them but its a lot easier if you do have them. Tanks are useful too. Bunkers are essential if they have big armies. Again this really depends on you.

Protoss -I dont normally use Protoss so I only have a bit on it( offense):Use a Zealot to penetrate Terran bunkers early (must be early before bunkers are filled) to spy deeply into his base. A spy worker just won't make it past the Marines or bunkers. • Hardcore Zealot Rush: Build up using the normal buildup rules, but instead of making a Cybercore or gas Assimilator, make four Gateways total. Pump the Zealots and keep the pressure on. This works well on Discovery by building your Gateways close to their town, used well by Silentbob, good friend and StarCrafter. Do make the gas Assimilator and Cybercore when you can afford it - don't wait too long. Their best defense will be air units, so make sure you can get Dragoons fairly soon.

Zerg -Im practising zerg at the moment and here are the strategies i have so far:The "four drone only" build up on small rush maps is very powerful for 1 on 1 games. Don't make a drone with the initial 50 minerals. Instead get minerals, then make a Spawning Pool as soon as you have 150 minerals. Then make drones and one Overlord. Save two supply slots for four Zerglings. Be scouting with the Overlord. You can eliminate one of the three other starting spots on maps like Orbital Relay. Make four Zerglings as soon as you can. Go attack the other guy; he shouldn't even have a Barracks. This is very deadly and somewhat cheesy. They need to scout with a super early peon to catch you doing this.

I think this is a good game. There is a lot in it. One of the best parts of it is the campaign editor where you can make your own missions or simply just edit the existing maps( there are loads of maps!).
Although it was delayed for a while it was well worth it. The gameplay is excellent and once you get the hang of the game its really fun. In some ways it is similar to Warcraft but that does not really affect the gameplay. After the success of Diablo and Warcraft 2 you can expect this to be a top class game and it is. I hope that you will buy this game because I feel it is a game for everyone- not just for strategy fans but also for those that dont like or never played strategy games. It's very addictive and the interface is very easy to use, understand and adapt to. Out of 100% I would give it 96%. It offers you everything you could want from a real-time strategy game, and perhaps a little bit more.

I just joined the ladder games at battlenet after obtaining 5 stars(equivalent to 10wins(1win= half star). I'm quite excited because everyone is good here. I haven't played yet cos I need to practice before I can. Wish me luck! I always play witn my cousin Phil alias Tinst. He is good. Our friend Kam also is good-very good. I hope to play him with Tinst today. I tell you all about it.

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