The heart of Gaelic Ireland
Page Five
The O'Connor Family
The O'Connors were amongst the foremost aristocracy of the old Gaelic order, and
provided not just kings of Connacht, but also the last High-Kings of Ireland.
The present O'Connor Don has one of the longest recorded pedigrees in
Europe. |
This page shows some detail drawings of features to be found in Irish tower houses. |
This shows a Bartizan; a defensive structure found on the corner of many castles, usually half-way up the tower. |
A fairly typical stone doorway - the structure clearly visible in the arch. |
Another fine solid stone doorway, giving some indication of the wall thickness. |
Inside the door, one often finds the portcullis; an iron protective frame dropped down the groove provided. |
A nicely framed mullioned window. |
A later, more open, mullioned window. |
An early, small, very defensive window. |
A well-built stone fireplace - usually just for the upper floors. |
A later, more elaborate stone fireplace. |
All these photographs are copyright ©
Patrick Larkin March 2000.
Don't go away yet - there are more Galway Castles here...
Content by Patrick
Layout by Loralla