Sick in Bed

One day a girl called Gemma woke up and felt very sick. She went downstairs to tell her mother. "Why aren't you dressed for school?"said her mother. " Mum, I feel very sick" "Is this one of your jokes?"she said. "No! I really feel sick".
Her mother took her temperature."Oh my God.You have a fever"her mother said in shock. Gemma started crying."I don't want a fever" Gemma said, sobbing."Go back to bed and I'll bring you some soup" Gemma tried to go back to sleep but her mother shouted "What flavour soup do you want?""I'll have oxtail and can you get me some medicine too"After Gemma had her soup and medicine she heard the phone ring.Her mother said "Your friends are on the phone."
"O.K. bring the phone up to me. Thanks Mam."
Her friends said, "We heard you were sick."

"Yes but I'll be back to school tomorrow"
"O.K. Hope you feel better later.Bye!" said her friends.
"Bye"said Gemma coughing. An hour later she finally fell asleep.
The next morning Gemma felt great so she went to school and had a great time.


By Natalie - Rang 3