Crazy Lines
Sometimes a perspective brought into a picture may bring there a kind
of illusion as well. Make sure the picture will not mislead you while
finding out the truth. |
Elusive Spots
Are there really any spots between the squares, and why do they only blink
and try to disappear when you want to stare at any of them? |
Pencil Illusion
Slowly scroll the page down and... you may see something unusual. |
Square Waves
The straight lines on square grids seem to be curved where they are covered
with the shaded figures. |
Impossible Object
This object looks to be assembled of three rods and one frame. Do you
think you will be successful, if you try to make it? |
Turning Digits
Make some simple device be turning and try to guess what image it will
produce. It seems your imagination will be required instead of your math
skills. |