Ai Iwamura - The Ultimate
You should know that from
the picture above, Ai Iwamura is the girl who played the part
of the smiling winner of the previous Battle Royale. With a
film like "Battle Royale", there's a lot of young
actors and actresses. The famous class-room scene took a week
to film so sometimes, actors might not be present for scenes
that involve them in a very minor role, whether it be schooling
or other such engagements. The shots their character is present
in won't be pivotal to the plot, but a stand-in would be needed
to cover continuity...Enter Ai Iwamura. Probably to make up
for the few seconds she had on screen in the prologue, Ai Iwamura
plays stand-in parts for 6 shots, playing 4 different characters!
Below is a list of these scenes, with pictures and descriptions
of where she is in the shot and who she is playing.
Shot # 1:
- To the far left of the
frame playing a jacketless Haruka Tanizawa. The shot takes
place when Utsumi tells Kitano "I don't understand what
you're saying. This can't possibly..."
Shot # 2:
- To the far left of the
frame again. This time she is playing the part of Hirono Shimizu.
Notice that she has the same hair-style as Hirono. The shot
takes place (obviously) when Fujiyoushi gets hit with the
Shot # 3:
- At the right side of
the frame with Megumi Etou. This time she is playing stand-in
for Aki Maeda, playing the part of Noriko Nakagawa. The shot
takes place just after Nobu's neckcollar is set off and is
thrown aside by the General.
Shot # 4:
- Around the center of
frame, she is with Kayoko Kotohiki (to the right of Yukie
Utsumi). This is the shot shown after Oneesan explains that
there is no winner if more than one survives. Ai Iwamura is
playing as Izumi Kanai.
Shot # 5:
- Behind Noriko and Megumi,
she is grabbing Yuka Nakagawa's arm. This shot is seen as
Oneesan explains about the random weapons. Ai Iwamura is playing
the part of Izumi Kanai.
Shot # 6:
- Finally, at the bottom
of the screen, she is seen with Megumi Etou playing the part
of Noriko again. This shot is seen as Inada says goodbye to

Major thanks go out to Masaaki Ishida
for informing me on this.