: Page 03 |
Utsumi's Lament 1: Oda's Death ::
-- 1:09:27
exactly "new footage" per se, but a nice addition
that helps the audience remember who exactly Oda is. As
Utsumi tells Nanahara of Oda's death, there is a quick
cut away to the close up of his severed head, followed
by the explosion in the clinic. |
Utsumi's Lament 2: Kaori & Mizuno ::
-- 1:09:49
After Utsumi tells Nanahara
of Oda's demise, she moves on to Kaori and Mizuno. Originally,
we cut straight to the shot of the two bloodied corpses
beside the sea. In the Special Version we flashback to
the scene of the two in the classroom, as they tell each
other that they'll always be friends. The final shot in
the sequence (the body of Mizuno) is extended by a second
or two without the obstruction of the score card. |
Lament 3: Takaguchi & Hatagami ::
-- 1:09:57
The final part of Utsumi's
information to Nanahara is the deaths of Takaguchi and
Hatagami. Originally, after Utsumi says their names it
cuts straight to the shot far-away shot of Mitsuko putting
on her shirt and walking away - We now have two additional
shots, one of each of the two boys corpses prior to this.
Another great addition to SV, although it still doesn't
clear up the mystery of how EXACTLY they died! 0_o |
Extra Line ::
dialogue (270kb, .mp3) |
-- 1:15:55
Not exactly sure why this
line was added! Perhaps Fukasaku felt sorry that he didn't
give Haruka more lines to say! Right after Utsumi says
"Look who's talking!" to Satomi, Haruka now
adds the line "Murderer!". There is also a slight
jumpcut present on this on both the Japanese and UK dvds,
so it's pretty obvious to point out. An audio clip of
the scene is available to download above... |
Satomi's CG Blood :: |
-- 1:16:11
There may be five screencaps
above for this, but this addition is only present for
two shots, and lasts a little under 4 seconds...but, what
an addition it is! As Satomi is shot by Haruka and Utsumi,
we now see 3 bullet entry wounds on her chest and shoulder.
I had my doubts about the addition of CG blood, but the
shots look pretty realistic and fit into the scene very
well... |
Shuya's Despair :: |
-- 1:18:48
This is one of my favourite
additions in the Special Version. After Nanahara's line
"I don't know what any of it means!", his despair
is continued as he slumps to the floor and begins weeping
and shaking his head in disbelief. |
Forest with Mist Shot Moved :: |
-- 1:19:00
The above shot of the forest has not
been moved to right after the lighthouse girls scorecard.
Another great improvement upon the original as it gives
the audience a little breather before we enter the next
scene. ^_^