Tartan NTSC Region 0 DVD Review :: Page 2 /

.: Verdict :.

All is forgiven Tartan!

This is without doubt the best BR disc on the market for English Speakers. For many reasons: it has a fantastic transfer; one of the best 5.1 tracks on the market and legible English subtitles. But here's the real clincher:

It's NTSC and it's Region 0

Noone else has managed to release a disc of this kind of technical quality that can be appreciated by everyone. I realise that the disc is NTSC, but I'm pretty sure that the majority of Region 2 players have the ability to play them.

A fantastic disc, marred only by its supposed "special features" (but I'm letting that slide completely this time). If you're a BR fan - BUY IT! If you've never seen BR before and were hesitant about the discs on the market - this one was made for YOU!

Three cheers for Tartan! You've redeemed yourselves! ^_^


Reviewed on 5th June 2002 by
Bawpsherep (Webmaster)

Thanks to Sam Dunn

Front Cover

- Tartan Home Video (UK)
- Released: 27 May '02
- Region 0
- NTSC (Progressive Scan)
- 113 mins

.: AUDIO :.
- Japanese Dolby 5.1

.: VIDEO :.
- Aspect: 1.85:1 (16x9 Enhanced)
- Single Layered

- Original Theatrical Trailer
- Mark Wyatt Film Notes
- Picture Gallery
- Scene Selection
- English Subtitles

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