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Teacher Talk


W e l c o m e.

Teacher's Pets is embarking on an exciting journey; one which plans not only to bring educational resources down to your computer, but also to bring and share YOUR educational experiences to this Web Site.


It works like this...

On the next page is a "chat area", where you can type sentences which can be seen by other teachers who are viewing this chat area from perhaps anywhere on the globe.

Teacher's Pets plans to invite you the reader to participate in (or just view) an "On-line Forum" concerning some aspect of teaching.

What, technically is involved?

All you have to do is go to the next page, and the "chat window" will open up on from of you.




  1. Go to next page
  2. Type Name
  3. Type .join teachers
  4. Join in or watch


How can I see what others are saying?

All you have to do is type your name in a box provided (or a pseudonym) to participate.

How can I Join the correct group ?

(There may be other groups chatting about various topics - not necessarily educational in the traditional sense!)

All you have to do is type the following without the brackets (.join teachers)

Are there any guarantees that our Teacher Chat will be private ?

No. (Bill Gates could join, and say he was a teacher from Dingle !)

Other aspects of Teacher Talk include:

- Questions & Answers on the Current Topic

- Transcript from the most recent Teacher Talk


I'm ready. Take me to the Chat Page