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(for Ballina Branch I.N.T.O. members and friends)

Use this service to translate your photographs to a digital format. Check these out for example
This will enable you to do many useful class-based work including:

../images/scanner1.gif    Integrate your photos into your school Word Processing and DTP work
../images/scanner1.gif    Resize, stretch and otherwise manipulate images on-screen
../images/scanner1.gif    Add photos to your school web page
scanner1.gif    Built a digital library for future use

So what's the catch ??          Actually None !!

All you have to do is send me your photographs (max. 5 at a time) together with a "s.a.e." (to return your photos) and I'll scan and post your jpg photos on "Teacher's Pets". You then visit Teacher's Pets and simply click to save them onto your Hard Disk !!

Resources for use with digitized photographs:

1. Project Ideas

2. Paint Shop Pro (in "zip" format)

3. WinZip95 (WinZip for Windows95)

4. WinZip31 (WinZip for Windows3.1)

Some projects we have used photos in school include:

  Integration of photos into Communion / Confirmation and other booklets

  Making a Class Photo background for our computers

  Swopping heads (and other body parts!) in a class photo for later Quiz use

  Enhancing faces and other images to understand how magazines can produce the "perfect" face and "perfect" body

Technical Stuff:

The photos I scan will be saved in a "jpg" format for the following reasons:

  1. Jpgs are manageably small
  2. Jpgs are web-friendly
  3. Jpgs recognised by many types of computer


tpets.gif      Have Fun !!      tpets.gif