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Sum Fun !

Find the questions, answer the questions, click the correct buttons, reveal the answer, send me the answer, win a prize.

...... EASY ......

Click on the Question Mark and watch the box below

Click the correct buttons to reveal the secret picture !

Send Your Answer

My name is:

My email address is:

Choose your Answer

Send in your Answer and you will be entered into a monthly competition.

Good Luck !!

But the REALLY BIG PRIZES are to be won by designing a grid picture yourself!

Use the grid above to help you draw your simple picture. You might come up with a list like this 24, 25, 26, 32, 33, 38, 39 and so on.

Then write down Maths Questions that match your grid numbers like this .. 3X8, 5X5, 30-4, 8X4, 11X3, 42-4, 13X3 and so on.

Then type in your Maths Problems, and press the button below to send it to Teacher's Pets. DO IT NOW before anyone else hears about this competition!