Module :

Desktop Publishing Classes : 2nd - 4th

Lesson 1

The House


  1. The children will recognise French/German/Italian as a modern European language.

  2. The children will state where they live in French/German/Italian.

  3. The children will identify the parts of the house in French/German/Italian.

  4. The children will identify the rooms of a house in French/German/Italian.

 Materials/Resources: Poster of a house, flashcards – parts of a house, poster of the interior of a house.

Content / Methodology

Pictures of possible places of residence will be presented to the children

in a city/town/village

in the country.

Teacher will ask and encourage children to ask each other:

Where do you live?

To elicit the reply:

I live in a house in a city/in a town/in a village/in the country.

Presentation of poster of a house showing main features. Using the French/German/Italian terms, the teacher will identify

-      the door                    -   the garden

-      the chimney             -    the window                 -   the wall

Individual children will be asked to label the poster from jumbled labels.

Presentation of poster of the interior of a house using the French/German/Italian terms, the teacher will identify

-   the kitchen                 -   the bathroom

-   the bedroom              -   the living room.

Children will discuss the rooms in their own homes, e.g. There is one kitchen and three bedrooms.

Follow Up Activities

Children will draw pictures of their homes and write short sentences in French/German/Italian, stating the rooms they contain.

The teacher may find suitable opportunities to integrate this work with Geography and Poetry


Lesson 2 :

The House

Aims :

  1. The children will recognise French/German/Italian as a modern European language.

  2. The children will recall and revise the French/German/Italian terms for the parts of a house and for the rooms .

  3. The children will identify in French/German/Italian the activities in individual rooms.

Materials/Resources: Poster of a house, pictures of bedroom, kitchen, sitting room and bathroom, flashcards – parts of a house, poster of the interior of a house.

Content / Methodology

Revision of the parts of a house and the rooms using the appropriate posters and flashcards.

Display pictures of individual rooms. Children are encouraged to state in French/German/Italian the activities taking place in each room:

e.g. I eat in the kitchen, I cook in the kitchen, I read in the living room, I sleep in the bedroom, I wash myself in the bathroom.

Teacher will jumble flashcards of the various activities and individual children will place them on the appropriate poster.

Individual children will select flashcards and ask their peers to place them appropriately.

Follow Up Activities

Children will complete a worksheet, matching activities to the appropriate room.

The teacher may find suitable opportunities to integrate this work with Art.

Lesson 3 :

Introduction to Desktop Publishing

Aims :

  1. The children will be able to launch the desktop publishing package.

  2. The children will select an appropriate template for their work.

  3. The children will be able to delete and insert text and graphics.

  4. The children will learn to manipulate text and graphics

Materials/Resources: Desktop publishing package, simple flyers, posters.

Content / Methodology

Discussion initiated by the teacher on using computers to publish newsletters, posters, flyers.

Examination of the samples – highlighting background, colour, headings, text, layout, graphics.

Launch of the desktop publishing package being used.

Discussion of the window and the options available.

Discussion on the use of templates as a basis for our work.

Selection of a room display template and discussion of same.

Individual children will be directed to demonstrate the various tasks which one can perform with this package.

-             deleting and inserting text

-             deleting and inserting graphics

-             altering font style and size

-             altering text colour and background colour

-             moving text and graphics within the page

Follow Up Activities

Individual children will design their own room plate using the skills taught in the lesson. These will be displayed in the classroom.

Lesson 4 :

Introduction to Desktop Publishing

Aims :

  1. The children will recall work completed in the Lesson 3.

  2. The children will continue to develop their desktop publishing skills.

  3. The children will produce a document using a variety of desktop publishing skills.

 Materials/Resources: Desktop publishing package.

Content / Methodology

The teacher will recall work completed in previous lesson and examine work completed by the children.

Individual children will load the desk top publishing package and discussion will take place on the variety of options and facilities available.

Children select appropriate template to match the ‘House’ theme in the modern foreign language.

Children will use the template to produce a document in the modern foreign language using a range of desk top publishing skills.

-           text insertion and layout

-           insertion and sizing of graphics

-           headings

-           font size, colour

Children will print the document.

Follow Up Activities

During the forthcoming week, the children will design their documents and display them in the classroom.

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