Title : 10 out of 1 0 French
This CD ROM is a useful resource for both teachers and students of modem foreign languages.
Six games are presented each giving the
user a variety of opportunities to practice vocabulary already learned and introduce the
user the new material. "The Cop" game asks the
player to match words and pictures. "Tower" asks the player to
select a word from three given to match to a picture. "Link Up" encourages the
player to match words and pictures. "Rescue"
asks the player to rescue a given word from a pile.
The CD is well laid out with
distinct instructions. Each player's name is
held on record and when the player resumes play, s/he can select their name from the list. New players are added easily. Following completion of each game the player is
shown their score as a percentage and given a rating.
Encouragement is offered throughout. Certificates
of achievement may be printed upon completion of the games.
Volume is easily controlled and the player can quit in a straight forward
manner all the facilities of this CD ROM are distinctly displayed on the main menu.
The games "Word searclf'
and "Stones" are more suited to the advanced learner as there are few graphics. The software is best used to consolidate material
covered in class. Children can operate this
CD ROM effectively working on an individual basis, using head phones to minimize any class
Unfortunately there is no
documentation to accompany this CD ROM. The
teacher must peruse the disc to note its content and observe how best it can be used in
the class context. None of this information
is available on disc either.