Medical Doctors
Dr. Dunne, The Surgery, Carrigduff. Telephone 053-9377124. This practice has 4 doctors. Dr. FitzGerald, Orchard House, Carrigduff. Telephone 053-9377281 This is a single doctor practice
Bunclody also has a Nurse and Dentist.
Nurse Telephone 053-9377285 Available in the health centre at this number in the mornings. Dentist Telephone 053-9377634 Available three days per week.
Counsellor / Psychotherapist
Caroline Lennon-Nally Cuan Aingeal" Kilcarry, Clonegal Telephone 053-9375952, Email, Webpage Fiona Hughes Suaimhneas Counselling and Therapy Centre, Church Road, Bunclody Tel: 053-9375858 or 086-6016565 email:
Foot Treatment Centre Chiropodist / Reflexologist Margaret Nolan Ryland Road Telephone: 087 9524128 or 053-9376155
South East Fun & Games Main Street Bunclody Teambuilding with a twist. Relive your youth while building your future. Telephone: 087-6808134 Email
Bunclody has two primary and two secondary schools. PRIMARY SCHOOLS Our Lady of Lourdes National School. Email: Webpage This is predominantly a Roman Catholic School. Carrigduff National School. Telephone 053-9377346 This is predominantly a Church of Ireland School SECONDARY SCHOOLS F.C.J. Convent. Telephone: 053-9377308 Webpage This school is a mixed school. (Boys and Girls) Bunclody Vocational Collage. Telephone: 053-9377590 This school is also mixed. (Boys and Girls)
Bunclody has two primary and two secondary schools. PRIMARY SCHOOLS