Smoke Free Dining |
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I want to see more top notch Restaurants open smokefree and remain smokefree. Plus I'd like to see it be a norm that all places where people eat are smokefree.
It is too bad that the majority of smokefree places are off the path tiny little restaurants which are hit or miss. I only patronage smokefree Restaurants. I feel my health is worth the sacrifice of missing out on the hippest restaurant with the cool atmosphere and finest cheifs. Thankfully, there are some delightful smokefree restaurants, and I am wishing for more.
Randi <randi@bee.net>
- Monday, March 05, 2001 at 15:24:28 (EST)
I´m doing an homepage about our riding club and our horses, i also have an discussion board where you can ask about horses that you wonder about. Maybe your favourite horse has been sold to Sweden and you want to ask if anyone has seen him/her??
I have written to all riding clubs in SWEDEN so they know about this site and maybe someone recognize your horse.
Just visit my site and press the button Efterlysningar and post your wanted horse.
Maybe you want to look at our horses at the club?? We have many horses imported from Ireland, most of them actually. Press the button Hamre ridskola and then Lektionshästar or Gamla Lektionshästar and have a look.I know that many of the Swedish riding clubs import horse from England and Ireland. So maybe you´ll find something about your horse or pony...
- Monday, January 08, 2001 at 07:07:02 (EST)
Thank you. Great site!
camilla <rosetta.stone@bredband.net>
sweden - Friday, January 05, 2001 at 14:24:42 (EST)
Congratulations on a good idea well executed.
Dave Molloy
Ireland - Monday, December 04, 2000 at 15:19:00 (EST)
When I visit Ireland, I only frequent the smoke free places. Keep opening them, and we will keep spending our money at your smoke free places.
Randi Ettes <randi@bee.net>
GlenMoore, PA U.S.A. - Friday, October 27, 2000 at 17:11:45 (EDT)
I can't tell you how thrilled I am to find this site! My boyfriend and I are preparing to move to Ireland in October and we are both non smokers. We have serious concerns about exposure to second hand smoke and we will certainly take advantage of this site. Thank you for providing a very important service!
Kyna Ulsh <kbeth72@hotmail.com>
Columbia, SC USA - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 10:02:12 (EDT)
Your excelent site has been included in eGalway we would appreciate your comments on how we might be able to improve it.
Thanking you
Jim Aherne <Jim_aherne@Excite.com>
Galway, Ireland - Wednesday, August 23, 2000 at 17:07:26 (EDT)
Great idea! Why isn't there such a guide for smoke-free Dublin restaurants though? I'm only aware of three smoke-free restaurants here in Dublin but would be interested in hearing about more.
The current legislation regarding non-smoking sections in restaurants is a shambles - unenforced and unenforceable - which is a shame as dining in Dublin would be so much more pleasant in smoke-free environments. We should follow Califonia's lead ...
Mary <mgbnolan@hotmail.com>
Dublin, Ireland - Thursday, June 29, 2000 at 09:17:15 (EDT)
Really good site! Quick to download and easy to get around.
Is there a site for Dublin restaurants or is it only the West that gets one?
Patrick Pearce <patcho@eircom.net>
Dublin, Ireland - Friday, March 24, 2000 at 17:20:49 (EST)
Bord Sláinte
an Iarthair |