Quality Management

As we realise the importance of quality during all stages of manufacture we have introduced written procedures and standards for our design and manufacturing departments. Work in all areas of the factory is monitored by means of detailed work records and progress reports. We have also introduced the use of standard checklists and documentation for each mould to ensure that quality problems do not occur. This information is then used to check work progress as well as highlight areas where quality improvement can be made. In October 1991 our quality systems were certified to the ISO 9001 Quality Standard.

As part of our emphasis on quality we have also invested in a co-ordinate measurement machine (calibration certificate available) which is situated in our environmentally controlled standards room. This machine is a motorised Mitutoyo FJ805 model (800-550-600) fitted with a Renishaw touch probe and a Hewlett Packard computer. This room also contains shadowgraph, toolmakers microscope, hardness tester, etc.

Throughout manufacture dies and plates are checked to ensure the accuracy of machining. It provides a backup service to our fitters during the shutting out of moulds where accurate measurements of complex angles are required.

We can produce metrology reports for customer use on the final samples of the product to ensure that the customer is satisfied that the component is in specification.

It also has sophisticated scanning software which allows the measurement of model and product contours. As our machine is linked to our CAD/CAM system via an interface, this information

We can also offer a separate metrology service to those companies that require accurate measurement of components and products.

Metrology Picture

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