100 years ago in Balbriggan

100 years ago in Balbriggan
Balbriggan was different years ago,
Most of which I don’t know,
This is what I found out,
Even though it is still in doubt.
All the roads had different names,
The children probably played different games,
There were no cars in the town,
Horses would have to take them around.
All the houses were made of straw,
The carpenter didn’t have an electric saw,
I don’t think many had a T.V,
Or a kettle to boil their tea.
Most of the town would certainly agree,
Even in the old days Balbriggan would still be the town for me!!
Name: Roisin Age:11 years,
B y the sea this town,
A lot of people live in it,
L ots of history to it name,
B ig and small estates,
R enovations going on to restore Bremore Castle,
I n and out the Black and Tans run,
G un and knives under the sun,
G orgeous veiws of the sea,
A ll the Black and Tans have gone,
N ow all we need is some more sun.
By: JennifeAge:11
Balbriggan one hundred years ago
A live and alert we are today
Life changes as it goes on
Balbriggan in the 1920s
Right up to 2001
I n and out people visit
Going to get bigger and better
Going to have more activities
And right around Balbriggan today
Now it has a better population
One hundred years ago it was a smaller population
Now it's all different
Every thing has changed new houses and shops
Houses was built around the fields
Under trees and over hills
Now it's more popular
Dublin is our county
Right around Balbriggan more people arrives
Every day new people comes in
Down to Balbriggan
Years ago there were not many shops around
Eventually we got more
After a few years more and more start opening
Right up the road from me
Shopping is a big thing now
And back then it wasn't
Great sports and activities the do here
One hundred years ago was very different than it is today
Balbriggan 100 years
100 years ago Balbriggan was a very popular place. The Black and Tans and the R.I.C came to little Balbriggan. The Black and Tans burned Balbriggan to a crisp. But Balbriggan has changed dramatically and maybe for the better. The big old hotel is now a new hotel called the "bracken Court Hotel". Many things have changed and I have only been living in Balbriggan for six years. Such things like the motorway being built, the hotel being refurbished, our diving board was knocked down by a wave in a storm, the harbour wall was falling down and they had to rebuild it. Balbriggan is a little bit famous because the harbour was the set of ‘Sweety Barrett’. I am also a tiny bit worried because the population in Balbriggan is going to double.
Age: 12
ig changes have happened Balbriggan town
A lot of buildings have been knocked down
Long ago where different buildings would stand
Builders came and rebuilt the land
Recently a lot more houses have been made
I think the builders got very well paid
Gone is the small town, It will not be found!
Gigantic expansions has been made
All has changed since long ago
Never know what might happen next year or so.
albriggan is a beautiful town,
All its citizens are friendly,
Like most other towns its growing,
Balbriggan is very exciting,
Races are held every year,
I am proud to be a citizen,
Great events have happened, Great blunders too,
A great deal of work is available,
Nice hotels have been built,
One day Balbriggan will be huge,
Now it is big,
Even bigger than Skerries,
undreds of years ago Balbriggan was small,
Under rule from the British,
Not nice Black and Tans were around,
Dark nigh,
Red flames,
Errie silence,
Young children killed,
Except the lucky,
Arrived the R.I.C,
Right on time,
Saw the mess and ran,
A brave R.I.C. constable killed
Gone for ever,
Other people too.
Name: Kyle
Age: 12
Balbriggan is a beautiful place
Armies came and burned the town
Lots of houses were destroyed
By those evil Black and Tans
Raging fires did the worst
I am glad it was not now
Great factories went out of business
Gourmet chefs could cook no more
Angry townsmen build their rage
Now our town looks beautiful once more
NAME: Stephen
Poetry & Stories