
You can play on it

Play football on it

Play rugby on it

Play more sport

And lots of other fun stuff on it.

By Aaron T

Crystal clear

Clean as a whistle

Made of sand

Sometimes you clean it

If you open it you get fresh air


Green eyes

Whisker face

Rat chaser

Tree climber

Milk he'll drink

Aaron R

Eight arms

Four hundred eyes

A nose the size of Italy

Likes to scare people

Has laser beam eyes


He plays music or raps

2 hours or more

Over 100 songs a day

We dance to his beat


Big square building

Table and chairs

Rubbers and pencils

Copyies and books

Big place where you can play.

By Arissa

I am as quick

As a flash

I make a bang

I am very loud


I am very deadly

My bite could kill you

If I bite you, say your prayers.

