Recipe for a Witch
Take a vampire`s den ask first
A slice of ugly Zombie heads,
Mix up well.
Add a screech of sprits,
Stir in a pumpkin
A dash of child
A splash of cat and while we`re at it add a bat,
Pour in Sprinkle old woman`s looks
Serve with groans and moans
And there you are,
The old stinky witch
Recipe for a haunted house
Take a creepy old house,
A slice of lizard feet ,
Mix up well.,
Add a bat wings,
Stir in a spider ,
A dash of web,
A splash of grave,
Pour in blood,
Serve with a helping of vampire,
And there you are,
The Haunted house.
Recipe for a haunted house
Take a box of spiders,
A slice of skeleton bones,
Mix up
Add a bat`s blood,
Stir in a monster,
A dash of moon
splash of owl with a pumpkin,
Pour in ghosts and ghouls,
Sprinkle with
black cat,
And there you are,
The haunted house.
Recipe for a Haunted House
Take a country cottage a big house
A slice of cooked mouse
Mix up
Add a bolt of lighting
Stir in a ghost to make it frightening,
A dash of mud,
A splash of blood,
Pour in some fear,
with some beer,
And there you are,
The Haunted House