This week it was Arts Week. I went to the book fair and bought ‘How to Draw 101 Monsters’, ‘Knock Knock Jokes’ and ‘The Grossest Joke Book Ever’. On Monday we went to see Oisin McGann in Ms O’Brien’s class. He was really funny and he drew us a picture. On Wednesday the Gardaí came in to talk about fire safety on Halloween. They showed us a rotten video and their names were Kate and Gareth. Wednesday was also Courtesy Day. On Thursday Lesa came in to weave with us. We had a loom, a shaft, a weft and a warp. We also had a string trio with Ms de Faoite, Liz and Pauline. They played ‘The Four Seasons’ by Vivaldi and they played ‘Morning’, a march and a waltz.
Dylan 5th class
On Tuesday an artist and her helper came into our classroom. Their names were Liz and Pauline. Liz first told us not to rub out and Pauline told us it was freehand and that we have to draw very lightly. Liz showed us how to draw a cube. We drew a house, the path, a tree,a ghost, a gate and more things.Her picture was very good., I liked it. They were really nice and they said our pictures were very nice. Then Rebecca gave them a little teddy bear and said “Thank you – it was so fun!
Rachel , 3rd class
The weaving is great fun. The machine that you have to use is called a loom.It has four levers on it.The weaver’s name is Lesa and she is really nice. She showed us some weaves she had done in college- they are beautiful and smooth. She also showed us ties she had woven as well – they are brilliant. Lesa let every child do two lines of weave. It is not that hard. She is very talented at weaving.
Jane 5th class
Mr Kennedy came into my class on Thursday 23d of October for Arts Week He put on a show and explained everything about the guitar. He told us that the guitar came from Spain. Mr Kennedy gave us a demonstration of how they play it in Spain. He also demonstrated how they play it in Hawaii. Some people asked him to play AC/DC but he couldn’t on his acoustic guitar. .I asked him to play Kid Rock and he obliged. I thought Mr Kennedy was very good and should be famous.
Carl , 6th class
On Thursday the 3rds, 4ths, 5ths and 6ths went to a guitar workshop for an hour. All the children brought in their guitars. They were taught some tunes by Mr Kennedy. He played tunes for them. He taught us how to play different tunes on the sixth string. Then Jack played ‘Stairway to Heaven’ – it was great.
Katie 4th class
Drumming today was soooo fun ,my hands hurt,but it was worth it. It was held in St Molaga’s school hall which is really big, very big. All the fourth classes attended the workshop and we each had a turn of all different types of drums. The class went on for forty whole minutes! I liked it, I hope everybody else liked it too. Neil was our instructor. He’s very kind. He used to be in a band. I’m guessing he was the drummer.
Aoife 4th class.
On Thursday, the cello and two violins – known as the ‘string trio’- were played by Ms deFaoite, Pauline and Liz. They played a round. A round is where somebody plays a piece of music and the second person copies etc. The string trio played ‘Four Seasons’, ‘Monrning’, Pachabel’s Canon, Lord Zouche’s March, the Blue Danube, O Sole Mio and Derry Air.The violin plays a high note and the cello plays a very low note. The violin’s highest note is an E and the cello’s lowest note is a G.
Colm 5th class.
It was dress up day at school. I was so excited. My mum was like a thundercloud on legs because I couldn’t decide what to wear and she had visitors staying. I finally chose to be James Bond. When I arrived, instead of seeing dull grey uniforms, I saw a burst of colour running in every direction. I was gobsmacked by the colour and characters: e.g. Grim Reapers, JetEyes from Star Wars, werewolves, skateboarders, skeletons and witches. Dress Up Day has to be my favourite day of Book and Arts Week
Peter 6th class
Oisin McGann is a famous author and he visited our class during Arts Week. He lives in Drogheda. He was very funny and told us jokes. He talked to us about how he gets ideas for his books. He always carries two notebooks with him wherever he goes so that he can write down any new ideas he gets. He told us about some of the books he wrote. He drew a picture of a girl from one of his books called ‘Evil Hairdo’. We are going to put it in the hall. When Oisin was a child he didn’t like to write stories. He now writes and illustrates his own books.
Kyle 6th class
Last Wednesday all the 3rd classes went to the hall to hear Mark and Stephen play the trumpets. There was a small one, a medium sized one, and a large one. They made lots of different sounds. Near the end they let some people play the trumpets. They were so good at playing them. We had a competition. We all had to sing something and had so much fun doing it.
Megan3rd class
On Monday and Tuesday the book fair was on down at the end of the corridor. There were loads for different types of books. They were really cheap books and there were really good books. I bought the ‘Horrible History Activity Book’ and ‘Where’s Wally Activity Book’. There were joke books, funny books, puzzle books and lots of others.
Kayleigh 4th class
Treasure Hunt was great and funny. It wasn’t really a treasure hunt, it was like a play It was about how littering is bad for the world and we should always put litter in the bin. My favourite part was when two people jumped out- it gave me a big fright. There was a small man who was really funny. I liked all their costumes. The actors were very funny and all my friends liked it too. I thought it was good the way they encouraged kids to pick up litter and put it in the bin. They put on a great play with only a few actors.
Aoife and Paul , 4th class.